
Showing posts with the label Alexander the great

Alexander The Great Is The Quranic Dhu'l-Qarneyn

Muhammad Converts A Persian Myth Into A Revelation From Allah Alexander The Great Is The Quranic Dhul-Qarneyn. Surah 18 (82) The Jews will ask thee concerning Dhu-’l-Qarnain. Answer, I will rehearse unto you an account of him. (83) We made him powerful in the earth, and we gave him means to accomplish everything he pleased. (84) And he followed his way, until he came to the place where the sun setteth; and he found it to set in a spring of black mud; and he found near the same a certain people.    (85) And we said, O Dhu-’l-Qarnain, either punish this people or use gentleness towards them. (86) He answered, Whosoever of them shall commit injustice, we will surely punish him in this world; afterwards shall he return unto his Lord, and he shall punish him with a severe punishment. (87) But whosoever believeth, and doth that which is right, shall receive the most excellent reward, and we will give him in command that which is easy.  (88) Then he continued his way, (89) until he came t