
Showing posts with the label islamic parable

Islamic Parable Or Sovereign Stupidity

Islamic Parable Or Sovereign Stupidity The Quran makes great use of what it calls parables or similitudes. These are supposed to teach morals, ethics, virtuousness and righteousness. But the norm is pointless rubbish. Surah 7 (176) And relate unto the Jews the history of him unto whom we brought our signs, and he departed from them; wherefore Satan followed him, and he became one of those who were seduced.   (177) And if we had pleased, we had surely raised him thereby unto wisdom ; but he inclined unto the earth, and followed his own desire. Wherefore his likeness as the likeness of a dog, which, if thou drive him away, putteth forth his tongue, or, if thou let him alone, putteth forth his tongue also. This is the likeness of the people who accuse our signs of falsehood. Rehearse therefore this history unto them, that they may consider. (178) Evil is the similitude of those people who accuse our signs of falsehood, and injure their own souls.   (179) Whomsoever God shall direct,