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Mass Destruction

Mass Destruction Surah 26 is just about the same as surah 7. The format is simple. A prophet is named. Then the history of his attempt to get the people to whom he is sent to, to repent and turn back to Allah and be saved from Allah’s wrath. Then the people’s refusal to do so and then their destruction follows. After every destruction (V221 is a threat) is the statement that this Allah is merciful. How’s that for logic? Surah 26 starts off with what a great book the Quran is and the mercy of Allah S26(1)-(8 Verily thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful God ) . Then to Moses and his story which ends with destruction by drowning of Pharaoh and his army S26(9)-(68 Verily thy Lord is the mighty and the merciful ). Then Abranham. It ends in Hell S26(69)-(104 The Lord is the mighty, the merciful. ) . Then to Noah. This ends in all the world being drowned except Noah and his family S26(105)-(122 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful. ) Then Hud to the tribe of Ad. They were destroyed S26(123)-(