
Showing posts with the label praying

Praying For Pagans And The Lord's Prayer

Praying For Pagans The Quran states that it confirms the biblical scriptures as in Surah 5(48), (50)-)52). In Surah 9(112), it says that the Muslims are guaranteed the garden of paradise because Allah has promised them so through the Law, the Gospel and the Quran. In verse 114 the Muslims are directed not to pray for the forgiveness of the pagans. These verses are nothing but lies. The Quran does not confirm the biblical scriptures because the Bible, in Mark 11:15-17, states the exact opposite of what the Quran teaches. Surah 5 (48) We have surely sent down the law, containing direction and light: thereby did the prophets, who professed the true religion, judge those who judaised; and the doctors and priests also judged by the book of God, which had been committed to their custody; and they were witnesses thereof. Therefore fear not men, but fear me; neither sell my signs for a small price. And whoso judgeth not according to what God hath revealed, they are infidels. (50) We also