
Showing posts with the label destruction


Zakat Zakat is found in the early Medinan suras and described as obligatory for Muslims. Poor-due, almsgiving, charity.                    S7(156) And ordain for us in this world that which is good, and in the Hereafter (that which is good), Lo! we have turned unto Thee. He said: I smite with My punishment whom I will, and My mercy embraceth all things, therefore I shall ordain it for those who ward off (evil) and pay the poor-due, and those who believe Our revelations; Notice the conditions of the Allah's mercy:  a/  for those who ward off (evil) [ isn't warding off evil Allah's job? ] b/  pay the poor-due c/  believe Our revelations d/  bonus material:"Our". Allah is not singular! S9(60) The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed

Accuse And Be Destroyed

Accusing Islamic Prophets Of Falsehood Leads To complete Destruction Islamic evangelism is based on fear of extreme violence. Of complete annihilation of entire peoples. Muslims actually are encouraged to violence by been promised paradise.                                                 Surah 23 26. (Noah) said: "O my Lord! Help me: for that they Accuse me of falsehood!" 27. So We inspired him (With this message): "Construct The Ark within Our sight And under Our guidance: then When comes Our command, And the fountains of the earth Gush forth, take thou on board Pairs of every species, male And female, and thy family— Except those of them Against whom the Word Has already gone forth: And address Me not In favour of the wrong-doers; For they shall be drowned (In the Flood). 39 (The prophet) said: "O my Lord! help me: For that they accuse me Of falsehood." 40. (God) said: "In but A little while, they Are sure to be sorry!" 41. Then the Blast over

Mass Destruction

Mass Destruction Surah 26 is just about the same as surah 7. The format is simple. A prophet is named. Then the history of his attempt to get the people to whom he is sent to, to repent and turn back to Allah and be saved from Allah’s wrath. Then the people’s refusal to do so and then their destruction follows. After every destruction (V221 is a threat) is the statement that this Allah is merciful. How’s that for logic? Surah 26 starts off with what a great book the Quran is and the mercy of Allah S26(1)-(8 Verily thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful God ) . Then to Moses and his story which ends with destruction by drowning of Pharaoh and his army S26(9)-(68 Verily thy Lord is the mighty and the merciful ). Then Abranham. It ends in Hell S26(69)-(104 The Lord is the mighty, the merciful. ) . Then to Noah. This ends in all the world being drowned except Noah and his family S26(105)-(122 Thy Lord is the mighty, the merciful. ) Then Hud to the tribe of Ad. They were destroyed S26(123)-(

Islamic Fear Filled Evangelism

Islamic Evangelism Based On Violent Fear  Surah 14, as all surahs except surah 9, begins with mentioning the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful. This Allah has revealed a book-the Quran-that is supposed to lead mankind from darkness to light. And apostles have been sent to teach this Quran to people in their own language. The unbelievers are warned of a terrible penalty. Fear mongering! But also that it's up to Allah to save or not to save. And again fear mongering!  by the most merciful   ? God. So what's the point of sending apostles ? No grace nor mercy or love! Just fear! Surah 14 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) A. L. R. This book have we sent down unto thee, that thou mayest lead men forth from darkness into light, by the permission of their Lord, into the glorious and laudable way.  (2) God is he unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: and woe be to the infidels, because a grievous punishment waiteth them ; (3) who love the presen

Violent Quranic Evangelism Is An Abomination To Biblical Evangelism

Violent Quranic Evangelism Is An Abomination To Biblical Evangelism The Quran boasts that it confirms the biblical scriptures S35(28). Surah 6(28)-(49) states that Allah sent It's messengers to the nations, and then afflicted them with suffering and adversity to get the people of these nations to worship Allah. But the contradiction is found in S16(126)-(128) where the Quran states that all are to be invited with wisdom and beautiful preaching. But yet again in S8(39)-(41) fighting unbelievers is approved by Allah so that religion becomes Allah's in its entirety because S8(57) states that the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe. The rest of the verses of Surah 8 is procedural violent islamic evangelism. Confirmation Surah 35 (28) That which we have revealed unto thee of the book of the QurĂ¡n is the truth, confirming the Scriptures which were revealed before it ; for God knoweth and regardeth his servants.   Messengers Sent. Nat