
Showing posts with the label Land of Israel

Land Of Israel Belongs To The Jews Admitted So In Al-Quran

Land Of Israel There is not one verse in the Quran (Israel is mentioed 43 times in Al-Quran; which is evidence that Israel is not a recent nation) mentioned that states that the land of Israel belongs to anyone else but to the Jews. Israel is the land of the Jews, given to them by YAHWEH. Muslims have nil quranic authority to argue otherwise. This subject-matter is just about the only thing that Muhammad got right. Surah 5 20 And when Moses said to his "people: O my people ! remember the favour of Allah upon you when He raised prophets among you and made you kings and gave you what He had not given to any other among the nations.  Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali    There is no anachronism here. The Israelites are here told that two favours had been bestowed upon them: (1) prophets were raised among them; (2) they were made kings. The reference need not be to the earlier history of the Israelites, but to their history as dating from the time of Moses, for the advent of Moses had