
Showing posts with the label create

Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create ?

Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create? Surah 10 (3) Verily your Lord is God, who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then ascended his throne, to take on himself the government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission. This is God, your Lord; therefore serve him. Will ye not consider? (38) This QurĂ¡n could not have been composed by any except God; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from the Lord of all creatures. (39) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it; and call whom you may to your assistance, besides God, if ye speak truth. Surah 7 (55) Verily, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then ascended his throne: he causeth the night to cover the day; it succeedeth the same swiftly: he also created the sun, and the moon, and the stars,