
Showing posts with the label unbelief

Disbelieve. Hell.

Disbelieve. Hell. Surah 2 206 And when it is said unto him: Be careful of thy duty to Allah, pride taketh him to sin. Hell will settle his account, an evil resting-place. Surah 3 12 Say (O Muhammad) unto those who disbelieve: Ye shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell, an evil resting-place. 162 Is one who followeth the pleasure of Allah as one who hath earned condemnation from Allah, whose habitation is the Fire, a hapless journey's end ? 196 Let not the vicissitude (of the success) of those who disbelieve, in the land, deceive thee (O Muhammad). 197 It is but a brief comfort. And afterward their habitation will be hell, an ill abode. Surah 4 55 And of them were (some) who believed therein and of them were (some) who turned away from it. Hell is sufficient for (their) burning. 56 Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever

About Unbelief -Disease

About Unbelief-Disease  Those who believe in Allah, also believe that the Quran is without error. But so very well for non-Muslims, because the Quran is full of confusion and contradictions and uncertainty. Of course this means that the Quran is not the truth at all. SÅ«rah 2 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) A. L. M. (2) There is no doubt in this book; it is a direction to the pious, (3) who believe in the mysteries of faith, who observe the appointed times of prayer, and distribute alms out of what we have bestowed on them, (4) and who believe in that revelation, which hath been sent down unto thee and that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee, and have firm assurance of the life to come: (5) these are directed by their Lord, and they shall prosper. (6) As for the unbelievers, it will be equal to them whether thou admonish them, or do not admonish them; they will not believe. (7) God hath sealed up their hearts and their hearin