
Showing posts with the label Tall Tale

Surat 27 Tall Tales: Ants, Jinn, Hoopoe

Surat 27 Tales Incredibly Tall: Ants, Jinn, Hoopoe. Surat 27 is so incredibly tall that it just proves yet once again that Muhammad had mental issues. Previously I let known of the very tall quranic tale of angels bowing down to Adam. In surat 27, titled The Ant, Solomon speaks to birds and ants. This would make for a very nice cartoon show. Except that it's considered islamic scripture and that islamic scholars literally study this. Unbelievable insanity! Surat 27 1 Ta. Sin. These are revelations of the Qur'an and a Scripture that maketh plain; 2 A guidance and good tidings for believers It begins with Moses's story that all were famaliar with.  Surat 27 7 (Remember) when Moses said unto his household: Lo! I spy afar off a fire; I will bring you tidings thence, or bring to you a borrowed flame that ye may warm yourselves. 8 But when he reached it, he was called, saying: Blessed is Whosoever is in the fire and Whosoever is round about it! And Glorified be Allah, the

Story Of Mary

Story Of Mary: Another Tall Tale Notice verse 28, which says "O sister of Aaron". If Mary was the sister of Aaron, then she would be about a 1500 year old virgin when she got pregnant with Jesus. The Quran records the virgin state of Mary, but refuses to admit that Jesus was begotten S19(35). It can not understand that "begotten" has nothing to do with sexaul activity. Surah 19 16 And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East, 17 And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. 18 She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God- fearing. 19 He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son. 20 She said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste? 21 He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me. And (it will be) that

Companions Of The Cave #2 : A Tall Tale

Image   Seven sleepers THE CHAPTER OF THE CAVE. (XVIII. Mecca.) IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Praise belongs to God, who sent down to His servant the Book. and put no crookedness therein,--straight , to give warning of keen violence from Him; and to give the glad tidings to the believers, who do what is right, that for them is a goodly reward wherein they shall abide for ever and for aye; and to give warning to those who say, 'God hath taken to Himself a son.' They have no knowledge thereof, nor their fathers; a serious word it is that comes forth from their mouths! verily, they only speak a lie! [5] Haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death for sorrow after them, if they believe not in this new revelation. Verily, we have made what is on the earth an ornament thereof, to try them, which of them is best in works; but, verily, we are going to make what is thereon bare soil. Hast thou reckoned that the Fellows of the Cave and Er-raqĂ®m were a wo

Surat 34-Yet Another Tall Tale

Surat 34 is another of those incredibly tall tales. This surat starts off with saying that Allah knows it all as in verses 1 and 2. And then it goes on to show that It knows less than nothing. In an earlier surat 27 Solomon talked with birds and ants. Here the wind is obedient to him. Jinns work for him, implying of course that Solomon could converse with them. Disobedience was punishable by being burnt. And notice how he dies. Two quranic translations are quoted. The 2nd with it's commentary to show a muslim's understanding of the tale being considered. A biblical passage is quoted within the commentary to enhance its authenticity. The stormy winds and waves were obedient to Jesus.  Another plagiarism by Muhammad just gone wrong.The mad man is called a prophet in surat 33(1). But what exactly is his prophecy? Nothing at all. Islam is futile deceit, not a religion. Surat 34 In the Name of Allah t

Night Journey-A Complete Lie

Night Journey-A Complete Lie Muhammad is supposed to have been taken by Allah to the farthest mosque. This mosque is said, by muslim scholars, to be the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. He was taken there so that Allah might show him some of its signs, so says the verse. The only problem is that the said temple was destroyed by the Roman Emperor Titus in AD 70. There was nothing to actually see. So what signs did the mad prophet see? Nothing! The bible in the book of Luke records the prophecy of its destruction. Whenever a biblical prophet saw a vision or was taken somewhere, a whole lot of descriptions are given and recorded.The quran records nothing. This is another proof of the quranic lie. Surah 17  IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Celebrated be the praises of Him who took His servant a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque (The Kaabah at Mecca) to the Remote Mosque (The Temple at Jerusalem), the precinct of which we have blessed, to show him of our signs! verily

Never Happened With Moses

Never Happened With Moses When exactly did Moses have time for this? The Bible has a few words to say about itchy ears! And useless babblement. Surah 18 (59) And remember when Moses said unto his servant Joshua the son of Nun, I will not cease to go forward, until I come to the place where the two seas meet; or I will travel for a long space of time. (60) But when they were arrived at the meeting of the two seas, they forgot their fish, which they had taken with them; and the fish took its way freely in the sea.  (61) And when they had passed beyond that place, Moses said unto his servant, Bring us our dinner; for now are we fatigued with this our journey. (62) His servant answered, Dost thou know what has befallen me? When we took up our lodging at the rock, verily I forgot the fish: and none made me to forget it, except Satan, that I should not remind thee of it. And the fish took its way into the sea, in a wonderful manner. (63) Moses said, This is what we sought after. And they b

Companions Of The Cave #1 : A Tall Tale

Companions Of The Cave: A Tall Tale A tall story made into religious literature. Plagiarism of all sorts abound in the Quran. The one quoted below is just ridiculous. I guess they did not call Muhammed mad without a reason. Is the Quran indeed a religious book? Shall we believe in comics too? Stan Lee might make a good god, don't you think? Surah 18 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) Praise be unto God, who hath sent down unto his servant the book of the QurĂ¡n, and hath not inserted therein any crookedness, (2) but hath made it a straight rule: that he should threaten a grievous punishment unto the unbelievers, from his presence; and should bear good tidings unto the faithful, who work righteousness, that they should receive an excellent reward, namely, paradise, wherein they shall remain for ever: (3) and that he should warn those who say, God hath begotten issue; (4) of which matter they have no knowledge, neither had their fathers. A grievous saying it is, which pr