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“In the city of Hamath, in Northern Syria, the Christian population, even to this day, are afraid to allow their boys from ten to fourteen years of age to appear in the streets after sunset, lest they be carried off by the Moslems as victims of the horrible practice of Sodomy. Mohammadan pashas surround themselves with fair-faced boys, nominally scribes and pages, when in reality their object is of entirely another character.” This, and much more, is told by pp. 46-48. Dr Henry H. Jessup in his book entitled The Mohammedan Missionary Problem

Surah 24 Is Prophecy After The Fact

The entire 24th surah is the proof-text that denies Muhammad his prophethood status. A prophecy is only a prophecy IF it is revealed before the actual happening. This 24th surah occurs after Muhammad's wife Aisha was accused of having had sex with Safwan. Compare Surah 24 with Surah 33 Surah 33 (49) O Prophet, we have allowed thee thy wives unto whom thou hast given their dower, and also the slaves which thy right hand possesseth, of the booty which God hath granted thee; and the daughters of thy uncle, and the daughters of thy aunts, both on thy father’s side and on thy mother’s side, who have fled with thee from Makkah, and any other believing woman, if she give herself unto the Prophet, in case the Prophet desireth to take her to wife. This is a peculiar privilege granted unto thee above the rest of the true believers. (50) We know what we have ordained them concerning their wives, and the slaves which their right hands possess: lest it should be deemed a crime in thee to mak