
Showing posts with the label creation

Iblis’s ( Satan) Refusal To Worship Adam

Iblis’s ( Satan)  Refusal To Worship Adam  Where did Muhammad get this story from ?  Surah 2  (30) When thy Lord said unto the angels, I am going to place a substitute on earth; they said, Wilt thou place there one who will do evil therein, and shed blood? but we celebrate thy praise, and sanctify thee. God answered, Verily I know that which ye know not: (31) and he taught Adam the names of all things, and then proposed them to the angels, and said, Declare unto me the names of these things if ye say truth. (32) They answered, Praise be unto thee; we have no knowledge but what thou teachest us, for thou art knowing and wise. (33) God said, O Adam, tell them their names. And when he had told them their names, God said, Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and know that which ye discover, and that which ye conceal?  (34) And when we said unto the angels, Worship Adam; they all worshipped him, except Iblis, who refused, and was puffed up with pride, and bec

Jesus Creates A Bird

Jesus Creates A Bird  In the Quran there is mention of Jesus creating a bird. This story is found in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. And this proves that it was not at all revealed to Muhammad by Allah via Gabriel.   Surah 3 (48) God shall teach him the scripture, and wisdom, and the law, and the gospel; and shall appoint him his apostle to the children of Israel; and he shall say, Verily I come unto you with a sign from your Lord; for I will make before you, of clay, as it were the figure of a bird; then I will breathe thereon, and it shall become a bird, by the permission of God; and I will heal him that hath been blind from his birth; and the leper: and I will raise the dead by the permission of God: and I will prophesy unto you what ye eat, and what ye lay up for store in your houses. Verily herein will be a sign unto you, if ye believe.  Surah 5 (109) When God shall say, O Jesus son of Mary, remember my favour towards thee, and towards thy mother; when I strengthened thee with

Where Was The Garden Of Eden?

Where Was The Garden Of Eden? According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s commentary on S2(35) in his translation of the Quran, it was not on earth.  Quote :Was the Garden of Eden a place on this earth? Obviously not. For, in verse 36 below, it was after the Fall that the sentence was pronounced: "On earth will be your dwelling-place." Before the Fall, we must suppose Man to be on another plane altogether-of felicity, innocence, trust, a spiritual existence, with the negation of enmity, want of faith, and all evil.  Unquote Surah 2 35. We said: "O Adam! dwell thou And thy wife in the Garden; And eat of the bountiful things therein As (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, Or ye run into harm and transgression." 36. Then did Satan make them slip From the (Garden), and get them out Of the state (of felicity) in which They had been. We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), With enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place And your means of l

Adam And The Prostration Of Angels

Adam And The Prostration Of Angels Two entirely different beginnings of mankind. The Quran says that it confirms the biblical scriptures in S2 (40) and believe in the revelation which I have sent down, confirming that which is with you, and be not the first who believe not therein, neither exchange my signs for a small price; and fear me.   But the Bible, in the book of Genesis, has a totally different story to tell. And in Al-Quran Satan, in refusing to worship Adam, is more righteous than Allah Surah 2 (30) When thy Lord said unto the angels, I am going to place a substitute on earth; they said, Wilt thou place there one who will do evil therein, and shed blood? but we celebrate thy praise, and sanctify thee. God answered, Verily I know that which ye know not: (31) and he taught Adam the names of all things, and then proposed them to the angels, and said, Declare unto me the names of these things if ye say truth. (32) They answered, Praise be unto thee; we have no knowledge but

Confused Allah's Creating Power

Allah's Creating Power The Quran contradicts Itself again. It's more to the point to say that Allah contradicts Itself, since Allah is the one who claims to have revealed the Quran. Well and good! Did Allah create once only or does It need to keep creating? Sura II(117) Baqara,or the Heife r To Him is due The primal origin Of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," And it is. Sura VI(73) Anam, or Cattle It is He Who created The heavens and the earth In true (proportions): The day He saith, "Be," Behold! it is. His Word Is the Truth. His will be The dominion the day The trumpet will be blown. He knoweth the Unseen As well as that which is Open. For He Is the Wise, well acquainted (With all things) Sura XIX(35) Maryam, or Mar y It is not befitting To (the majesty of) God That He should beget A son. Glory be to Him! When He determines A matter, He only says To it, "Be", and it is. "BE" and it is; it's

Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create ?

Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create? Surah 10 (3) Verily your Lord is God, who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then ascended his throne, to take on himself the government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission. This is God, your Lord; therefore serve him. Will ye not consider? (38) This Qurán could not have been composed by any except God; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from the Lord of all creatures. (39) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it; and call whom you may to your assistance, besides God, if ye speak truth. Surah 7 (55) Verily, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then ascended his throne: he causeth the night to cover the day; it succeedeth the same swiftly: he also created the sun, and the moon, and the stars,