Confused Allah's Creating Power

Allah's Creating Power
The Quran contradicts Itself again. It's more to the point to say that Allah contradicts Itself, since Allah is the one who claims to have revealed the Quran. Well and good! Did Allah create once only or does It need to keep creating?

Sura II(117) Baqara,or the Heifer
To Him is due
The primal origin
Of the heavens and the earth:
When He decreeth a matter,
He saith to it: "Be,"
And it is.

Sura VI(73) Anam, or Cattle
It is He Who created
The heavens and the earth
In true (proportions):
The day He saith, "Be,"
Behold! it is. His Word
Is the Truth. His will be
The dominion the day
The trumpet will be blown.
He knoweth the Unseen
As well as that which is
Open. For He
Is the Wise, well acquainted
(With all things)

Sura XIX(35) Maryam, or Mary
It is not befitting
To (the majesty of) God
That He should beget
A son. Glory be to Him!
When He determines
A matter, He only says
To it, "Be", and it is.

"BE" and it is; it's quite a powerful statement. But then this Allah makes a mess. Proof texts follow:

Sura X(4) Yunus, or Jonah
To Him will be your return—
Of all of you. The promise
Of God is true and sure.
It is He who beginneth
The process of creation,
And repeateth it, that He
May reward with justice
Those who believe
And work righteousness;
But those who reject Him
Will have draughts
Of boiling fluids,
And a Penalty grievous,
Because they did reject Him

Sura X(34)
Say: "Of your 'partners',
Can any originate creation
And repeat it?" Say:
"It is God Who originates
Creation and repeats it:
Then how are ye deluded
Away (from the truth)?"

Three verses state "BE" and then later that "BE" does not quite do the job and so Allah "REPEATS". Who can believe what this Allah says? I mean actually and literally believe? Because Allah has no idea what IT'S doing!

Confused Allah
What was created first?
Earth First
Sura II(29) Baqara, or the Heifer
It is He Who hath created for you
All things that are on earth;
Moreover His design comprehended the heavens,
For He gave order and perfection
To the seven firmaments;
And of all things

Heaven First
Sura LXXIX(27) Naziat, or Those Who Tear Out
What! Are ye the more
Difficult to create
Or the heaven (above)?
(God) hath constructed it:
28. On high hath He raised
Its canopy, and He hath
Given it order and perfection.
29. Its night doth He
Endow with darkness,
And its splendour doth He
Bring out (with light).
30. And the earth, moreover,
Hath He extended
(To a wide expanse);
(Yusuf Ali)

Earth First2. al-Baqarah: The Cow
29 He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is knower of all things.

Heaven First
79. an-Naziat:Those Who Pull Out26 Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for him who feareth.
27 Are ye the harder to create, or is the heaven that He built ?
28 He raised the height thereof and ordered it;
29 And He made dark the night thereof, and He brought forth the morn thereof.
30 And after that He spread the earth,
31 And produced therefrom the water thereof and the pasture thereof,
32 And He made fast the hills,
33 A provision for you and for your cattle.

(Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall)


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