The Constitution Of Medina By The Lettered Muhammad

The Constitution Of Medina By The Lettered Muhammad
Muhammad was lying when he announced himself as one who could neither read nor write. The covenant he wrote proves that he was untrustworthy. Definitely not a prophet.

Surah 7
(158) who shall follow the apostle, the illiterate prophet, whom they shall find written down with them in the law and the gospel: he will command them that which is just, and will forbid them that which is evil, and will allow them as lawful the good things which were before forbidden, and will prohibit those which are bad; and he will ease them of their heavy burden, and of the yokes which were upon them. And those who believe in him, and honour him, and assist him, and follow the light, which hath been sent down with him, shall be happy.
(159) Say, O men, Verily I am the messenger of God unto you all: unto him belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth; there is no God but he; he giveth life, and he causeth to die. Believe therefore in God and his apostle, the illiterate prophet, who believeth in God and his word; and follow him, that ye may be rightly directed.

Surah 62
2 He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest,
(M.M. Pickthall)

Surah 62
2. He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad ) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur'an, Islamic laws and Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah: legal ways, orders, acts of worship, etc. of Prophet Muhammad ). And verily, they had been before in manifest error;

The Constitution Of Medina
IBN ISHAQ has preserved an ancient document commonly known as the 'Constitution of Medina. Apart from the introductory words, however, he tells us nothing about it, neither how he came by it nor when and how it was brought into force. On the latter points he must be presumed ignorant; its place near the beginning of his account of the Medinan period is simply that called for by logic. Ibn Ishaq said: The Messenger of God (God bless and preserve him) wrote a writing (kitab) between the Emigrants and the Ansar, in which he made a treaty and covenant with the Jews, confirmed them in their religion and possessions, and gave them certain duties and rights:
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate! This is a writing of Muhammad the prophet between the believers and Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who follow them and are attached to them and who crusade (jdhadu) along with them.
1. They are a single community (ummak) distinct from (other) people.
2. The Emigrants of Quraysh, according to their former condition, pay jointly the blood-money between them, and they (as a group) ransom their captive(s), (doing so) with uprightness and justice between the believers.
3. Banu 'Awf, according to their former condition, pay jointly the previous blood-wits, and each sub-clan (td'ifah) ransoms its captive(s), (doing so) with uprightness and justice between the believers.
4. Banu '1-Harith, according to their former condition, pay jointly ... (as 3).
5. Banu Sa'idah ... (as 3).
6. Banu Jusham ... (as 3).
7. Banu 'n-Najjar ... (as 3).
8. Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf ... (as 3).
9. Banu 'n-Nabit ... (as 3).
10. Banu '1-Aws ... (as 3).
11. The believers do not forsake a debtor among them, but give him (help), according to what is fair, for ransom or blood-wit.
12. A believer does not take as confederate (hallf) the client (mawla) of a believer without his (the latter's) consent.
13. The God-fearing believers are against whoever of them acts wrongfully or seeks 
(? plans) an act that is unjust or treacherous or hostile or corrupt among the believers; their hands are all against him, even if he is the son of one of them.
14. A believer does not kill a believer because of an unbeliever, and does not help an unbeliever against a believer.
15. The security (dhimmah) of God is one; the granting of 'neighbourly protection' (yujlr) by the least of them (the believers) is binding on them; the believers are patrons (or clients mawdli) of one another to the exclusion of (other) people.
16. Whoever of the Jews follows us has the (same) help and support (nasr, iswah) (as the believers), so long as they are not wronged (by him) and he does not help (others) against them.
17. The peace (silni) of the believers is one; no believer makes peace apart from another believer, where there is fighting in the way of God, except in so far as equality and justice between them (is maintained).
18. In every expedition made with us the parties take turns with one another. 19. The believers exact vengeance for one another where a man gives his blood in the way of God. The God-fearing believers are under the best and most correct guidance.
20. No idolater (mushrik) gives 'neighbourly protection' (yujir) for goods or person to Quraysh, nor intervenes in his (a Qurashi's) favour against a believer. 21. When anyone wrongfully kills a believer, the evidence being clear, then he is liable to be killed in retaliation for him, unless the representative of the murdered man is satisfied (with a payment). The believers are against him (the murderer) entirely; nothing is permissible to them except to oppose him.
22. It is not permissible for a believer who has agreed to what is in this document (sahlfah) and believed in God and the last day to help a wrong-doer 1 or give him lodging. If anyone helps him or gives him lodging, then upon this man is the curse of God and His wrath on the day of resurrection, and from him nothing will be accepted to make up for it or take its place.
23. Wherever there is anything about which you differ, it is to be referred to God and to Muhammad (peace be upon him).
24. The Jews bear expenses along with the believers so long as they continue at war.
25. The Jews of Banu f Awf are a community (ummah) along with the believers. To the Jews their religion (din) and to the Muslims their religion. (This applies) both to their clients and to themselves, with the exception of anyone who has done wrong or acted treacherously; he brings evil only on himself and on his household.
26. For the Jews of Banu 'n-Najjar the like of what is for the Jews of Banu ' Awf. 
27. For the Jews of Banu '1-Harith the like . . .
28. For the Jews of Banu Sa'idah the like . . .
29. For the Jews of Banu Jusham the like . . .
30. For the Jews of Banu '1-Aws the like . . .
31. For the Jews of Banu Tha'labah the like of what is for the Jews of Banu 'Awf, with the exception of anyone who has done wrong or acted treacherously ; he brings evil only on himself and his household.
32. Jafnah, a subdivision (batn) of Tha'labah, are like them.
33. For Banu 'sh-Shutaybah the like of what is for the Jews of Banu 'Awf ; honourable dealing (comes) before treachery.
34. The clients of Tha'labah are like them.
35. The bifdnah of (particular) Jews are as themselves.
36. No one of them (? those belonging to the ummah) may go out (to war) without the permission of Muhammad (peace be upon him), but he is not restrained from taking vengeance for wounds. Whoever acts rashly (fataka), it (involves) only himself and his household, except where a man has been wronged. God is the truest (fulfiller) of this (document).
37. It is for the Jews to bear their expenses and for the Muslims to bear their expenses. Between them (that is, to one another) there is help (nasr) against whoever wars against the people of this document. Between them is sincere friendship (nash wa-nasihah), and honourable dealing, not treachery. A man is not guilty of treachery through (the act of) his confederate. There is help for (or, help is to be given to) the person wronged.
38. The Jews bear expenses along with the believers so long as they continue at war.
39. The valley of Yathrib is sacred for the people of this document.
40. The 'protected neighbour' (jar) is as the man himself so long as he does no harm and does not act treacherously.
41. No woman is given 'neighbourly protection' (tujdr) without the consent of her people.
42. Whenever among the people of this document there occurs any incident (disturbance) or quarrel from which disaster for it (the people) is to be feared, it is to be referred to God and to Muhammad, the Messenger of God (God bless and preserve him). God is the most scrupulous and truest (fulfiller) of what is in this document.
43. No 'neighbourly protection is given (Id tujdr) to Quraysh and those who help them.
44. Between them (? the people of this document) is help against whoever suddenly attacks Yathrib.
45. Whenever they are summoned to conclude and accept a treaty, they conclude and accept it; when they in turn summon to the like of that, it is for them upon the believers, 1 except whoever wars about religion; for
(? = incumbent on) each man is his share from their side which is towards them.
46. The Jews of al-Aws, both their clients and themselves, are in the same position as belongs to the people of this document while they are thoroughly honourable in their dealings with the people of this document. Honourable dealing (comes) before treachery.
47. A person acquiring (? guilt) 2 acquires it only against him- self. God is the most upright and truest (fulfiller) of what is in this document. This writing does not intervene to protect a wrong-doer or traitor. He who goes out is safe, and he who sits still is safe in Medina, except whoever does wrong and acts treacherously. God is 'protecting neighbor' (jar) of him who acts honourably and fears God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God (God bless and preserve him).
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