Surat 25 Contradictions

Surat 25. Observation Of Contradictions

Surah 25 Prophet. Warner.
31 Even so have We appointed unto every prophet an opponent from among the guilty; but Allah sufficeth for a Guide and Helper.
51 If We willed, We could raise up a warner in every village.52 So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them herewith with a great endeavour.

Surah 16
36 And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!

Creation Of Man From Water
Surah 25
54 And He it is Who hath created man from water, and hath appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; for thy Lord is ever Powerful.

Contradiction. Created From Clay.
Surah 6
2 He it is Who hath created you from clay, and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him. Yet still ye doubt!

Six Days Of Creation
59 Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days, then He mounted the Throne. The Beneficent! Ask anyone informed concerning Him!

Contradiction. Eight Days Of Creation.
Surah 41
9 Say (O Muhammad, unto the idolaters): Disbelieve ye verily in Him Who created the earth in two Days, and ascribe ye unto Him rivals ? He (and none else) is the Lord of the Worlds. 
10 He placed therein firm hills rising above it, and blessed it and measured therein its sustenance in four Days, alike for (all) who ask; 11 Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient.
12 Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; and We decked the nether heaven with lamps, and rendered it inviolable. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Knower.

Adultery Not Allowed
Surah 25
68 And those who cry not unto any other god along with Allah, nor take the life which Allah hath forbidden save in (course of) justice, nor commit adultery - and whoso doeth this shall pay the penalty;

Contradiction. Adultery A Good Pattern.
Surah 25
74 And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
75 They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the ward of peace, 76 Abiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station!


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