Allah-Muhammad's Boasting

Allah’s Statement

Surah 2
(255)God! there is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting: neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven, and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to come unto them, and they shall not comprehend anything of his knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. He is the high, the mighty.

Surah 14
(4) We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for God causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise.

Surah 41 
 (44) If we had revealed the Qurán in a foreign language, they had surely said, Unless the signs thereof be distinctly explained, we will not receive the same: is the book written in a foreign tongue, and the person unto whom it is directed an Arabian? Answer, It is, unto those who believe, a sure guide, and a remedy for doubt and uncertainty: but unto those who believe not, it is a thickness of hearing in their ears, and it is a darkness which covereth them; these are as they who are called unto from a distant place.


Surah 3
(1) A. L. M. (2) There is no God but God, the living, the self-subsisting: (3) he hath sent down unto thee the book of the Qurán with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it; for he had formerly sent down the law, and the gospel a direction unto men; and he had also sent down the distinction between good and evil. (4) Verily those who believe not the signs of God shall suffer a grievous punishment; for God is mighty, able to revenge. (5) Surely nothing is hidden from God, of that which is on earth, or in heaven: (6) it is he who formeth you in the wombs, as he pleaseth; there is no God but he, the mighty, the wise. (7) It is he who hath sent down unto thee the book, wherein are some verses clear to be understood, they are the foundation of the book; and others are parabolical. But they whose hearts are perverse will follow that which is parabolical therein, out of love of schism, and a desire of the interpretation thereof; yet none knoweth the interpretation thereof, except God. But they who are well grounded in the knowledge say, We believe therein, the whole is from our Lord; and none will consider except the prudent.

Islamic Scriptures

Surah 12 
(1) A. L. R. (2) These are the signs of the perspicuous book, which we have sent down in the Arabic tongue, that, peradventure, ye might understand. (3) We relate unto thee a most excellent history, by revealing unto thee this Qurán, whereas thou wast before one of the negligent.

Surah 32
(1) A. L. M. The revelation of this book, there is no doubt thereof, is from the Lord of all creatures. (2) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Nay, it is the truth from thy Lord, that thou mayest preach to a people unto whom no preacher hath come before thee; peradventure they will be directed.

Surah 56
(74) Moreover I swear by the setting of the stars, (75) (and it is surely a great oath, if ye knew it,) (76) that this is the excellent Qurán, (77) the original whereof is written in the preserved book: (78) none shall touch the same except those who are clean. (79) It is a revelation from the Lord of all creatures. (80) Will ye, therefore, despise this new revelation? (81) And do ye make this return for your food which ye receive from God, that ye deny yourselves to be obliged to him for the same?

Surah 39
(28) Now have we proposed unto mankind, in this Qurán, every kind of parable, that they may be warned; (29) an Arabic Qurán, wherein there is no crookedness; that they may fear God.

According to the above verses, Allah reigns absolute over the past and the present, including the future. Therefore a study mindful of the chronological order of events is unnecessary nor appropriate. This is further proved by the helter-skelter arrangement of the subject matter in the Quran itself.
Further, Allah also understands all languages S14(4). Therefore, since It has revealed Itself and translated the Quran into the English language, there is no need to learn the Arabic language. But Allah also contradicts Itself when It declares Itself unable to explain the verses of the Quran in detail in any other language except Arabic.
And, notice that in S2(255) Allah is addressed in the singular but in S14(4) the ‘he’ of the previous verse becomes ‘We’. This is not Allah. Muhammad is the co-equal partner of Allah.

Bipolar Statement
A definite proof that Allah is limited in It's authority over human languages. Muhammad was playing the role of Allah.


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