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Queen Of Saba Visits Solomon

Queen Of Saba Visits Solomon Solomon sends the Queen of Saba a threatening letter after receiving reports from his spy bird Hoopoe. She must conform to Islam. An incredibly tall tale since in this Surah 27 Solomon talks to ants and birds.  This Surah also claims: (77) and there is nothing hidden in heaven or on earth, but it is written in a clear book.  (78) Verily this QurĂ¡n declareth unto the children of Israel most of those points concerning which they disagree: (79) and it is certainly a direction and a mercy unto the true believers. (80) Thy Lord will decide the controversy between them by his definitive sentence: and he is the mighty, the wise. (81) Therefore put thy trust in God; for thou art in the manifest truth. Differ in what? Solomon talking to ants and birds? The true account is found in 1 Kings chapter 10 Surah 27 (15) We heretofore bestowed knowledge on David and Solomon: and they said, Praise