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Quranic Trinity

Quranic Trinity.  Quranic Boasting Surah 46 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) H. M. The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God. (2) We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, otherwise than in truth and for a determined period; but the unbelievers turn away from the warning which is given them. (3) Say, What think ye? Show me what part of the earth the idols which ye invoke, besides God, have created? Or had they any share in the creation of the heavens? Bring me a book of scripture revealed before this, or some footstep of ancient knowledge, to countenance your idolatrous practices; if ye are men of veracity. (4) Who is in a wider error than he who invoketh, besides God, that which cannot return him an answer, to the day of resurrection; and idols which regard not their calling on them; Surah 55 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) The Merciful hath taught his servant the QurĂ¡n. (2) He created man; (3) he hath taugh