
Showing posts with the label islamic evangelism

Violent Quranic Evangelism Is An Abomination To Biblical Evangelism

Violent Quranic Evangelism Is An Abomination To Biblical Evangelism The Quran boasts that it confirms the biblical scriptures S35(28). Surah 6(28)-(49) states that Allah sent It's messengers to the nations, and then afflicted them with suffering and adversity to get the people of these nations to worship Allah. But the contradiction is found in S16(126)-(128) where the Quran states that all are to be invited with wisdom and beautiful preaching. But yet again in S8(39)-(41) fighting unbelievers is approved by Allah so that religion becomes Allah's in its entirety because S8(57) states that the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe. The rest of the verses of Surah 8 is procedural violent islamic evangelism. Confirmation Surah 35 (28) That which we have revealed unto thee of the book of the QurĂ¡n is the truth, confirming the Scriptures which were revealed before it ; for God knoweth and regardeth his servants.   Messengers Sent. Nat

Ungracious Fear Mongering Allah

Ungracious Fear Mongering Allah  Allah is called most gracious and most merciful in the quran. The following text is positive proof that Allah is just made up. Which god would be gracious and yet recommend such violence?   Fear mongering is underlined and notice that the muslims are also under threat of violence.   That Muhammad is the God-partner of Allah is highlighted in bold and italics.    Jesus said that he who is without sin should take action. The word "Allah " was familiar to Muhammad and to all that he spoke to. There is nil record of any protest that this "Allah " was some new unknown god. There is record of people worshipping many gods. Allah was obviously one of them. Muhammed was charged by those who heard him of being possessed and mad and of forgery. He also had an unsatisfiable lust for sex. These so called revelations were designed to prevent anyone else from having sex with his harem, while he made sure he had them all. Allah was Muhammad'