
Showing posts with the label lettered muhammad

Personal To Muhammad

Personal To Muhammad Surat 111 , consisting of just 5 verses, is personal to Muhammad. Here he curses his own family. Muhammad's uncle and aunt was against his preaching.  Surat 5 makes a false statement when it says that the quran is a confirmation of the biblical scriptures. The quran is contradictory to the Jewish scriptures. Jesus's home town was not in agreement with what He taught, but He never cursed them. Paul was ever in sufferings and trials, but he never cursed any at all. The contradiction does not end there. It's evident within the quran itself. Muhammad identifies himself as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings. Yet he cursed his family with fire. Cursing His Uncle And Aunt THE CHAPTER OF ABU LAHEB  (CXI. Mecca.) IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Abu Laheb's two hands shall perish, and he shall perish!  His wealth shall not avail him, nor what he has earned! He shall broil in a fire that flames 1 , and his wife car

Surat 33-The Fake Allah's Sexual Inventory.

Muhammad is the islamic Allah. This surat 33 carries the same proof, of Muhammad not being a prophet, as the surat 24. Surat 24 was a face saving "revelation" after the fact, which provided evidence that the quran is not the word of the true God. So is surat 33. This particular revelation permits the madman to get his adopted son to divorce his wife in order that he, Muhammad, could marry her. Marriage is a licence to lust. In an attempt to conceal extreme lust, Muhammad abused marriage. And it worked! This madness proves that Muhammad was his own little god. The entire Surat 33 provides for his sexual pleasure. Notice that Allah prays for Muhammad. And the question is: To who is this islamic Allah praying to?  For your convenience, the whole sura is quoted below. Notice his manner of speaking, how he brings about the subject matter, his twisted logic so well spoken, his intermingling of battle and religious and sexual themes.  A master of deception is he! As his own contemp

MUhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet Book One Surah 1&2

                                          This is a textbook face value exegesis of the first 2 Surahs of Al-quran. It seeks to initiate a mature reconsideration of Al-quran by those who hold it to be the final revelation of Allah. To promote that clear objective, Al-quran is analyzed without regard to time sequence or geographical location of Allah’s revelation to Muhammad via Gabriel. The Quran claims that there is no doubt about it. It insists that it confirms the previously given biblical scriptures. And is supposed to be an exposition of them. Therefore the Quran declares itself to be a continuation of the biblical scriptures. This bold statement shall be tested here. Surah14:4 mentions that Allah sent to every people a message in their own language . Nor is familiarity of the Arabic language necessary. For surely Allah has also brought about the English translation, for Al-quran says in: Surah 14 (4) ‘We have sent no apostle but with the language


                         This is in BIG PRINT. This book, analyzing Surah 3, is Part Two of the series "Muhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet". An invaluable resource tool for Muslim outreach. Surah3(7) He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical. Then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity, they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah , and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord. And none do mind except those having understanding. (Maulvi Muhammad Ali) Exegesis These alleged allegorical verses are neither defined nor described in Surah 3 nor anywhere else in the Quran. Not one quranic verse is identified clearly and definitely as allegorical. They remain allegations. Is it not fool


                           Introduction As in the previous three books, so here in book four: this is exhaustive but nonetheless an ordinary analysis of the verses of the Quran to verify its own authority and its own authenticity. A simple cross examination via cross referencing. If Allah be indeed the true God of this entire universe and the Quran is indeed Its final revelation, then all verses must find harmony without regard to chronological order. Nor should the verses conflict. All must acquiescence. An example highlighting a prophecy contradiction follows: Surah 5 14 And with those who say:"Lo! we are Christians,"We made a covenant, but they forgot a part of that whereof they were admonished. Therefore We have stirred up enmity and hatred among them till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will inform them of their handiwork. Mr. Maulana Muhammad Ali comments in his English translation of the Quran that the 2nd part of 5:14 is a prophecy


                                     Muhammad had a distorted time perception. He spoke for his own benefits i.e. he never was a prophet uttering inspired and divine scriptures. He represented himself. Which means that Muhammad is Allah. Allah-Muhammad was bipolar and had nil authority over mankind except by installation of fear. This book analyses Surah 6 and, as the previous four books, seeks to initiate a reconsideration of the Quran by those who hold it to be the final revelation of Allah. To that end, complete chapters or large portions of the biblical books are quoted. Lord Of All Things? Surah 6 164 Say: Shall I seek another than Allah for Lord, when He is Lord of all things ? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another's load. Then unto your Lord is your return and He will tell you that wherein ye differed. Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali Quote 164 “Nor does a bearer of burden bear another’s burden” are the

Muhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet .True Nature Of Islam. Surah 5. Book Four

Muhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet True Nature Of Islam Exegesis Of Al-quran Surah 5 Book Four Note- The English translation of the Quran analysed  here is by Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthal.(1938) Other translations used are by:  Maulana Muhammad Ali,(1917) J.M.Rodwell (1876) and E.H.Palmer.(1880) World English Bible Other references are given on occurrence.  A useful link: This is entirely my work. It is independently published and I hold the copyright. Also by gautama purushottama 1/ Is The Quranic Jesus Identical To The  Biblical Jesus? 2/  MUhammad Never