Personal To Muhammad

Personal To Muhammad

Surat 111, consisting of just 5 verses, is personal to Muhammad. Here he curses his own family. Muhammad's uncle and aunt was against his preaching. 
Surat 5 makes a false statement when it says that the quran is a confirmation of the biblical scriptures. The quran is contradictory to the Jewish scriptures. Jesus's home town was not in agreement with what He taught, but He never cursed them. Paul was ever in sufferings and trials, but he never cursed any at all. The contradiction does not end there. It's evident within the quran itself. Muhammad identifies himself as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings. Yet he cursed his family with fire.

Cursing His Uncle And Aunt

(CXI. Mecca.)
IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God.
Abu Laheb's two hands shall perish, and he shall perish! 
His wealth shall not avail him, nor what he has earned!
He shall broil in a fire that flames 1, and his wife carrying faggots!--[5] on her neck a cord of palm fibres.

False Claims Of Confirming The Biblical Scriptures
Surat 5 [50] And we followed up the footsteps of these (prophets) with Jesus the son of Mary, confirming that which was before him and the law, and we brought him the gospel, wherein is guidance and light, verifying what was before it of the law, and a guidance and an admonition unto those who fear.

Then let the people of the gospel judge by that which is revealed therein, for whoso will not judge by what God has revealed, these be the evildoers.

We have revealed to thee the Book in truth verifying what was before it, and preserving it; judge then between them by what God has revealed, and follow not their lusts, turning away from what is given to thee of the truth.

For each one of you have we made a law and a pathway; and had God pleased He would have made you one nation, but He will surely try you concerning that which He has brought you. Be ye therefore emulous in good deeds; to God is your return altogether, and He will let you know concerning that wherein ye do dispute.

A Herald Of Glad Tidings And A Warner
Surat 5 O people of the Book! our Apostle has come to you, explaining to you the interval of apostles; lest ye say, 'There came not to us a herald of glad tidings nor a warner.' But there has come to you now a herald of glad tidings and a warner, and God is mighty over all!


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