
Showing posts with the label God of porn

Islamic Paradise Is A Whorehouse

Islamic Paradise Is A Whorehouse  Surah 37 :36 states that Muhammad has come with the very truth and that he confirms the message of the apostles before him. The verses that follow from 37-47 including the verses from Surah 38:49-53 speak of Islamic paradise. I honestly can not see any difference between this particular paradise and any down on Earth whorehouse. Nor can I perceive of any biblical apostles approving of this islamic  whorehouse paradise. Jesus in Matthew 22:29-30 disagrees.  Right here the lie is seen and the identity of the real person responsible for this nonsense. Muhammad! It’s the madman no less. He used the name of Allah for his personal purposes.  Islam is futile deceit, not a religion.  Surah 37 (35) and say, Shall we abandon our gods for a distracted poet ? (36) Nay; he cometh with the truth, and beareth witness to the former apostles. (37) Ye shall surely taste the painful torment of hell; (38) and ye shall not be rewarded, but according to your works. (39)

Feeding The Poor And The Orphans For Salvation And Sex In Paradise

The Purpose Of Feeding The Orphans Is To Gain Entrance Into Paradise Not at all a definite means of salvation. Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Because of the crucifixion, death, entombment and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, salvation is for all via Christ. Islam is empty deceit, not a religion.    Surah 90 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) I swear by this territory, (2) (and thou, O Prophet, residest in this territory), (3) and by the begetter, and that which he hath begotten; (4) verily we have created man in misery. (5) Doth he think that none shall prevail over him? (6) He saith, I have wasted plenty of riches. (7) Doth he think that none seeth him? (8) Have we not made him two eyes, (9) and a tongue, and two lips; (10) and shown him the two highways of good and evil? (11) Yet he attempteth not the cliff. (12) What shall make thee to understand what the cliff is?  (13) It is to free the captive; (14) or to feed, in the