
Showing posts with the label Tall Tale

Never Happened With Joseph

Never Happened With Joseph The story related here bears every mark of having been received at second hand from persons themselves ignorant of the history of Joseph, except as recounted from hearsay among ignorant people. Muhammad’s informants had probably learned the story from popular Jewish tradition, which seems to have been garbled and improved upon by the Prophet himself. Certainly no part of the Qurán more clearly reveals the hand of the forger. The whole chapter is a miserable travesty of the Mosaic account of Joseph. In almost every instance the facts of the original story are misrepresented, misplaced, and garbled, while the additions are often wanting the poor authority of the Rabbins. Nevertheless, this story is not only related as coming from God, but also as attesting the Divine character of the Qurán. It is significant that this chapter was rejected by the Ajáredites and Maimúnians as apocryphal and spurious. (George Sale)   Ajáredites and Maimúnians-two branches of the K

Never Happened At The Flood

Never Happened At The Flood Another untrustworthy account.  Surah 11 (37) And it was revealed unto Noah, saying, Verily none of thy people shall believe, except he who hath already believed; be not therefore grieved for that which they are doing. (38) But make an ark in our presence, according to the form and dimensions which we have revealed unto thee; and speak not unto me in behalf of those who have acted unjustly, for they are doomed to be drowned. (39) And he built the ark; and so often as a company of his people passed by him they derided him; but he said, Though ye scoff at us now, we will scoff at you hereafter as ye scoff at us; (40) and ye shall surely know on whom a punishment shall be inflicted, which shall cover him with shame, and on whom a lasting punishment shall fall. Thus were they employed until our sentence was put in execution and the oven poured forth water. And we said unto Noah, Carry into the ark of every species of animals one pair; and thy family (except

Never Happened In Moses's Time

Never Happened In Moses's Time: famine and dearth of fruits The Quran is an untrustworthy account. The seven years of plenty and the seven years of drought occurred in Joseph's time. A long time before Moses. Surah 7 130 And we straitened Pharaoh's folk with famine and dearth of fruits, that peradventure they might heed. 131 But whenever good befell them, they said: This is ours; and whenever evil smote them they ascribed it to the evil auspices of Moses and those with him. Surely their evil auspice was only with Allah. But most of them knew not. 132 And they said: Whatever portent thou bringest wherewith to bewitch us, we shall not put faith in thee. 133 So We sent against them the flood and the locusts and the vermin and the frogs and the blood - a succession of clear signs. But they were arrogant and became a guilty folk. 134 And when the terror fell on them they cried: O Moses! Pray for us unto thy Lord, because He hath a covenant with thee. If thou removest the terr