
Showing posts with the label allah

A Quranic Concordance Of Remember And Remembrance Proofs Refuting Muhammad's Prophethood Claim

Muhammad said 'remember'.  The Quran states that Muhammad was a prophet and an apostle. But throughout the Quran there is not one verse relative to prophecy. Muhammad said “remember” as he retells what he considers is the past. The Quran records this word in numerous different verses. Prophecy has to do with the future, not the past. Muhammad was not even a false prophet. He was a fake prophet. There is no prophecy of Muhammad, true or false! Muhammad also made himself equal to Allah . He was the God-partner of Allah insisting from his followers belief and complete obedience to him S64(12). And he was lying when he said that he could neither read nor write S7(157), (158). Surah 7 157 Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them. He will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit fo

Allah-Lord Of All Things?

Allah-Lord Of All Things? Surah 6 164 Say: Shall I seek another than Allah for Lord, when He is Lord of all things ? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another's load. Then unto your Lord is your return and He will tell you that wherein ye differed. (Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall) SAY: Shall I seek any other Lord than God, when He is Lord of all things? No soul shall labour but for itself; and no burdened one shall bear another's burden. At last ye shall return to your Lord, and he will declare that to you about which you differ (Rodwell) Say, 'Other than God shall I crave for a Lord when He is Lord of all?' but no soul shall earn aught save against itself; nor shall one bearing a burden bear the burden of another; and then unto your Lord is your return, and He will inform you concerning that whereon ye do dispute. (Palmer) 164. Say: "Shall I seek For (my) Cherisher Other than God, When He is the Cherisher Of al

Muhammad Is The God-Partner Of Allah # 2

         Muhammad Is The God-Partner Of Allah Surah 3 (20) If they dispute with thee, say, I have resigned myself unto God, and he who followeth me doth the same; and say unto them who have received the scriptures, and to the ignorant, Do ye profess the religion of Islám? Now if they embrace Islám, they are surely directed; but if they turn their backs, verily unto thee belongeth preaching only; for God regardeth his servants. (31) Say, if ye love God, follow me: then God shall love you, and forgive you your sins; for God is gracious and merciful. (32) Say, Obey God, and his apostle; but if ye go back, verily God loveth not the unbelievers. Muhammad’s Strategy He transferred his own bipolar characteristics onto past biblical prophets of the Israelites as obviously there were never any true Arabian prophets. He wanted obedience without question. And in order to achieve that, he placed his own words into the former prophets’ preaching. Surah 3 And (49) I c

Is The Quranic Jesus Identical To The Biblical Jesus?

NOW ON SALE                     Introduction Muhammad says a lot in Al-Quran. That it is the last revelation of Allah via him to mankind. He maintains that Al-Quran is a confirmation of the earlier biblical scriptures, implying that Al-Quran has just as much authority as the Bible. This book investigates the truth of the matter regarding Jesus. This is an ordinary face value exegesis. To begin, a few quranic verses will be quoted to serve as definitive statements relative to Allah, relative to Al-quran and to language; and a necessary refutation of unfounded and misleading islamic interpretation regarding one particular quranic verse and its supposedly justifiable biblical cross reference. 1 About Allah Surah 2 (255) God! there is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting: neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven, and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure? He know

Muhammad The Porn Star: Complete Sexual Freedom

Muhammad The Porn Star: Complete Sexual Freedom Surah 33 50 0 Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncle and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncle and  the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her- especially for you, not for the (rest of) believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (English translation of the Quran by Maulana 1917 ) Maulana Muhammad Ali's commentary (1917) Quote: The marriages of the Holy Prophet have furnished his critics with the chief implement of attack, and the l

The Bible On The Signs Of Allah

Signs Of Allah The Quran talks a lot about signs as in Surah 30. These signs are supposed to generate faith in Allah in those who hear the quranic message. The Bible has a completely different view on the matter. It refers the questioners to the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Christ by reference to Jonah. Surah 30 (9) and the end of those who had done evil was evil, because they charged the signs of God with falsehood, and laughed the same to scorn. (10) God produces creatures, and will hereafter restore them to life: then shall ye return unto him. (11) And on the day whereon the hour shall come, the wicked shall be struck dumb for despair; (12) and they shall have no intercessors from among the idols which they associated with God. And they shall deny the false gods which they associated with him. (13) On the day whereon the hour shall come, on that day shall the true believers and the infidels be separated: (14) and they who shall have believed, and wrought righteousnes

Muhammad Is A Deity Equal To Allah

Muhammad Is A Deity Equal To Allah The Quran says a lot about Allah. That It is just one and that there is no other being equal to It: S2 (138) The baptism of God have we received, and who is better than God to baptize? him do we worship.   But the Quran also contradicts its own self when it says that Allah and Muhammad is to be obeyed. This is proof that Muhammad was speaking for his own benefits. Surah 3 (50) Verily God is my Lord, and your Lord; therefore serve him. This is the right way. (61) Verily this is a true history: and there is no God but God; and God is most mighty and wise. (63) Say, O ye who have received the scripture, come to a just determination between us and you; that we worship not any except God, and associate no creature with him; and that the one of us take not the other for lords, beside God. But if they turn back, say, Bear witness that we are true believers. (78) It is not fit for a man that God should give him a book of revelations, and wisdom, and prophe