
Showing posts with the label deception

A Quranic Concordance Of Remember And Remembrance Proofs Refuting Muhammad's Prophethood Claim

Muhammad said 'remember'.  The Quran states that Muhammad was a prophet and an apostle. But throughout the Quran there is not one verse relative to prophecy. Muhammad said “remember” as he retells what he considers is the past. The Quran records this word in numerous different verses. Prophecy has to do with the future, not the past. Muhammad was not even a false prophet. He was a fake prophet. There is no prophecy of Muhammad, true or false! Muhammad also made himself equal to Allah . He was the God-partner of Allah insisting from his followers belief and complete obedience to him S64(12). And he was lying when he said that he could neither read nor write S7(157), (158). Surah 7 157 Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them. He will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit fo

Muhammad Is A Deity Equal To Allah

Muhammad Is A Deity Equal To Allah The Quran says a lot about Allah. That It is just one and that there is no other being equal to It: S2 (138) The baptism of God have we received, and who is better than God to baptize? him do we worship.   But the Quran also contradicts its own self when it says that Allah and Muhammad is to be obeyed. This is proof that Muhammad was speaking for his own benefits. Surah 3 (50) Verily God is my Lord, and your Lord; therefore serve him. This is the right way. (61) Verily this is a true history: and there is no God but God; and God is most mighty and wise. (63) Say, O ye who have received the scripture, come to a just determination between us and you; that we worship not any except God, and associate no creature with him; and that the one of us take not the other for lords, beside God. But if they turn back, say, Bear witness that we are true believers. (78) It is not fit for a man that God should give him a book of revelations, and wisdom, and prophe

Quranic Trinity

Quranic Trinity.  Quranic Boasting Surah 46 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) H. M. The revelation of this book is from the mighty, the wise God. (2) We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them, otherwise than in truth and for a determined period; but the unbelievers turn away from the warning which is given them. (3) Say, What think ye? Show me what part of the earth the idols which ye invoke, besides God, have created? Or had they any share in the creation of the heavens? Bring me a book of scripture revealed before this, or some footstep of ancient knowledge, to countenance your idolatrous practices; if ye are men of veracity. (4) Who is in a wider error than he who invoketh, besides God, that which cannot return him an answer, to the day of resurrection; and idols which regard not their calling on them; Surah 55 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) The Merciful hath taught his servant the Qurán. (2) He created man; (3) he hath taugh

Alexander The Great Is The Quranic Dhu'l-Qarneyn

Muhammad Converts A Persian Myth Into A Revelation From Allah Alexander The Great Is The Quranic Dhul-Qarneyn. Surah 18 (82) The Jews will ask thee concerning Dhu-’l-Qarnain. Answer, I will rehearse unto you an account of him. (83) We made him powerful in the earth, and we gave him means to accomplish everything he pleased. (84) And he followed his way, until he came to the place where the sun setteth; and he found it to set in a spring of black mud; and he found near the same a certain people.    (85) And we said, O Dhu-’l-Qarnain, either punish this people or use gentleness towards them. (86) He answered, Whosoever of them shall commit injustice, we will surely punish him in this world; afterwards shall he return unto his Lord, and he shall punish him with a severe punishment. (87) But whosoever believeth, and doth that which is right, shall receive the most excellent reward, and we will give him in command that which is easy.  (88) Then he continued his way, (89) until he came t

Allah's Mad Prophet

Allah's Mad Prophet Even the Quran mentions that people called Muhammed mad. Why would they call him mad? Surah 7 (185) Do they not consider that there is no devil in their companion? He is no other than a public preacher. Or do they not contemplate the kingdom of heaven and earth, and the things which God hath created; and consider that peradventure it may be that their end draweth nigh? And in what new declaration will they believe, after this? Surah 15 (6) The Makkans say, O thou to whom the admonition hath been sent down, thou art certainly possessed with a devil: Surah 34 (8) He hath forged a lie concerning God, or rather he is distracted. But they who believe not in the life to come shall fall into punishment and a wide error. Surah 68 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) N. By the pen, and what they write, (2) thou, O Muhammad, through the grace of thy Lord, art not distracted. (3) Verily there is prepared for thee an everlasting reward: (4) for thou art of a noble

Praying For Pagans And The Lord's Prayer

Praying For Pagans The Quran states that it confirms the biblical scriptures as in Surah 5(48), (50)-)52). In Surah 9(112), it says that the Muslims are guaranteed the garden of paradise because Allah has promised them so through the Law, the Gospel and the Quran. In verse 114 the Muslims are directed not to pray for the forgiveness of the pagans. These verses are nothing but lies. The Quran does not confirm the biblical scriptures because the Bible, in Mark 11:15-17, states the exact opposite of what the Quran teaches. Surah 5 (48) We have surely sent down the law, containing direction and light: thereby did the prophets, who professed the true religion, judge those who judaised; and the doctors and priests also judged by the book of God, which had been committed to their custody; and they were witnesses thereof. Therefore fear not men, but fear me; neither sell my signs for a small price. And whoso judgeth not according to what God hath revealed, they are infidels. (50) We also

God Of The People Of The Book

Surah 29 and the book of Hebrews Note- I have quoted 4 translations to show consistency. The Quran states that the God of the Jews and the Christians and the Islamic Allah is the the same God. It also says that the Muslims believe the Bible. Both statements are outright lies because the Quran is a complete contradiction to the Bible. Surah 29 46 And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. 47 In like manner We have revealed unto thee the Scripture, and those unto whom We gave the Scripture aforetime will believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein. And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers.  (Pickthall) Dispute not, unless in kindly sort, with the people of the Book; 12 save with su

Surah 24 Is Prophecy After The Fact

The entire 24th surah is the proof-text that denies Muhammad his prophethood status. A prophecy is only a prophecy IF it is revealed before the actual happening. This 24th surah occurs after Muhammad's wife Aisha was accused of having had sex with Safwan. Compare Surah 24 with Surah 33 Surah 33 (49) O Prophet, we have allowed thee thy wives unto whom thou hast given their dower, and also the slaves which thy right hand possesseth, of the booty which God hath granted thee; and the daughters of thy uncle, and the daughters of thy aunts, both on thy father’s side and on thy mother’s side, who have fled with thee from Makkah, and any other believing woman, if she give herself unto the Prophet, in case the Prophet desireth to take her to wife. This is a peculiar privilege granted unto thee above the rest of the true believers. (50) We know what we have ordained them concerning their wives, and the slaves which their right hands possess: lest it should be deemed a crime in thee to mak