
Showing posts with the label contradictions

Pharaoh At The Parting Of The Seas

Pharaoh At The Parting Of The Seas Is this Pharaoh still around? Is there a prophecy of Muhammad about this Pharaoh in the Quran? And notice  the "we", "our" and "us".  Allah is not singular.  Surah  10  (76) Then did we send, after them, Moses and Aaron unto Pharaoh and his princes with our signs: but they behaved proudly, and were a wicked people. (77) And when the truth from us had come unto them, they said, Verily this is manifest sorcery. (78) Moses said unto them, Do ye speak this of the truth, after it hath come unto you? Is this sorcery? but sorcerers shall not prosper. (79) They said, Art thou come unto us to turn us aside from that religion which we found our fathers practise, and that ye two may have the command in the land? But we do not believe you.  (87) And we spake by inspiration unto Moses and his brother, saying, Provide habitations for your people in Egypt, and make your houses a place of worship, and be constant at prayer; and

Praying For Pagans And The Lord's Prayer

Praying For Pagans The Quran states that it confirms the biblical scriptures as in Surah 5(48), (50)-)52). In Surah 9(112), it says that the Muslims are guaranteed the garden of paradise because Allah has promised them so through the Law, the Gospel and the Quran. In verse 114 the Muslims are directed not to pray for the forgiveness of the pagans. These verses are nothing but lies. The Quran does not confirm the biblical scriptures because the Bible, in Mark 11:15-17, states the exact opposite of what the Quran teaches. Surah 5 (48) We have surely sent down the law, containing direction and light: thereby did the prophets, who professed the true religion, judge those who judaised; and the doctors and priests also judged by the book of God, which had been committed to their custody; and they were witnesses thereof. Therefore fear not men, but fear me; neither sell my signs for a small price. And whoso judgeth not according to what God hath revealed, they are infidels. (50) We also

Death Of Every Soul

Death Of Every Soul  The Quran states that it confirms the biblical scriptures. On the subject of the soul of a person, it says that every soul shall die. But the Bible states that man is soil and returns to the soil (Genesis 3:19), the spirit returns to God who gave it and the soul is looked after as well.  The Quran has nil knowledge of the three aspects of a person. Surah 3 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) A. L. M. (2) There is no God but God, the living, the self-subsisting: (3) he hath sent down unto thee the book of the QurĂ¡n with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it; for he had formerly sent down the law, and the gospel a direction unto men; and he had also sent down the distinction between good and evil. (4) Verily those who believe not the signs of God shall suffer a grievous punishment; for God is mighty, able to revenge. Surah 4 (45) O ye to whom the scriptures have been given, believe in the revelation which ye have sent down, confirming that

Muhammad's Roman Prophecy

Note- I have quoted several translations by Muslim and non-muslim translators of  various time periods to show consistency or inconsistency  of the quranic passage under consideration. Prophecy or good politics? 1/  Tafsir Ibn Kathir Vol 7: Foretelling the Victory of the Romans These Ayat were revealed about the victory of Sabur, the king of Persia, over Ash-Sham (Greater Syria), the adjoining partisan states of the Arabian Peninsula, and the outlying regions of the land of the Romans. Heraclius, the emperor of the Romans, was forced to flee to Constantinople where he was besieged for a lengthy period. Then Heraclius regained the upper hand. Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, commented on this Ayah: He said, ‘They were defeated and then they were victorious.” He said. The idolaters wanted the Persians to prevail over the Romans, because they were idol worshippers, and the Muslims wanted the Romans to prevail over the Persians, because they were People o

God Of The People Of The Book

Surah 29 and the book of Hebrews Note- I have quoted 4 translations to show consistency. The Quran states that the God of the Jews and the Christians and the Islamic Allah is the the same God. It also says that the Muslims believe the Bible. Both statements are outright lies because the Quran is a complete contradiction to the Bible. Surah 29 46 And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. 47 In like manner We have revealed unto thee the Scripture, and those unto whom We gave the Scripture aforetime will believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein. And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers.  (Pickthall) Dispute not, unless in kindly sort, with the people of the Book; 12 save with su

Pharaoh And Haman

Pharaoh and Haman never met. The quran states in S10(37) : "And this Qur'an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind - Therein is no doubt - from the Lord of the Worlds." But here is one more example of something that never happened. Plagiarism at its worst. Haman, mentioned 6 times in Al-quran, was contemporary with Moses. The biblical Haman was chronologically ahead of Moses. A vizier in the Persian Empire under King Ahasuerus, he was the main antagonist in the book of Esther. Surah 28 1 Ta. Sin. Mim. 2 These are revelations of the Scripture that maketh plain. 3 We narrate unto thee (somewhat) of the story of Moses and Pharaoh with truth, for folk who believe. 4 Lo! Pharaoh exalted himself in the earth and made its people castes. A tribe among them he oppressed, killing their sons and sparing their women. Lo! he was of those who work corrupt

Queen Of Saba Visits Solomon

Queen Of Saba Visits Solomon Solomon sends the Queen of Saba a threatening letter after receiving reports from his spy bird Hoopoe. She must conform to Islam. An incredibly tall tale since in this Surah 27 Solomon talks to ants and birds.  This Surah also claims: (77) and there is nothing hidden in heaven or on earth, but it is written in a clear book.  (78) Verily this QurĂ¡n declareth unto the children of Israel most of those points concerning which they disagree: (79) and it is certainly a direction and a mercy unto the true believers. (80) Thy Lord will decide the controversy between them by his definitive sentence: and he is the mighty, the wise. (81) Therefore put thy trust in God; for thou art in the manifest truth. Differ in what? Solomon talking to ants and birds? The true account is found in 1 Kings chapter 10 Surah 27 (15) We heretofore bestowed knowledge on David and Solomon: and they said, Praise

Surat 25 Contradictions

Surat 25. Observation Of Contradictions Surah 25 Prophet. Warner. 31 Even so have We appointed unto every prophet an opponent from among the guilty; but Allah sufficeth for a Guide and Helper. 51 If We willed, We could raise up a warner in every village. 52 So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them herewith with a great endeavour. Contradictions Surah 16 36 And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger , (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers! Creation Of Man From Water Surah 25 54 And He it is Who hath created man from water , and hath appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; for thy Lord is ever Powerful. Contradiction. Created From Clay. Surah 6 2 He it is Who hath created you from clay , and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him