
Showing posts with the label destruction

Quranic Salvation By Murderous Works

Quranic Salvation By Murderous Works How very different is the true God found in the Bible. Surah 2  190 Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. 191 And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 192 But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 193 And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. 244 Fight in the way of Allah, and know that Allah is Hearer, Knower. Surah 9   19 Count ye the slaking of a pilgrim's thirst and tendance of the Inviolable Place of Worship as (equal to the worth of) him who believeth in Allah a

Quranic Reasons For War Against Christianity

Quranic Reasons For War Against Christianity Just for believing that Jesus is the begotten Son of God. Even the word 'begotten' is repulsive to the Muslims. An abomination in the Quran. Surah 19 (86) Dost thou not see that we send the devils against the infidels, to incite them to sin by their instigations? (91) They say, The Merciful hath begotten issue. Now have ye uttered an impious thing: (92) it wanteth little but that on occasion thereof the heavens be rent, and the earth cleave in sunder, and the mountains be overthrown and fall, (93) for that they attribute children unto the Merciful; whereas it becometh not God to beget children. Surah 4 (45) O ye to whom the scriptures have been given, believe in the revelation which ye have sent down, confirming that which is with you, before we deface your countenances, and render them as the back parts thereof, or curse them, as we cursed those who transgressed on the Sabbath-day, and the command of God was fulfilled. (46) Su

Allah Destroyed Generations

Allah Destroyed Generations Before The Mad Prophet Allah is very proud of the destruction that it has brought upon the non-Muslims. Every single surah except one, starts off with saying that Allah is most gracious and most merciful. What this Allah says It is and what It actually does are completely contradictory to each other. Passions and actions constitute a person. Here Allah is divided into madness. Muhammed was literally called mad by his contemporaries . Even the Quran records it S15(6). Surah 6 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) Praise be unto God, who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath ordained the darkness and the light: nevertheless they who believe not in the Lord equalise other gods with him. (2) It is he who hath created you of clay, and then decreed the term of your lives; and the prefixed term is with him: yet do ye doubt thereof. (3) He is God in heaven and in earth; he knoweth what ye keep secret and what ye publish, and knoweth wh

Allah Threatens All Muslims To Fund (zakat)Terror Against Non-Muslims

Allah Threatens All Muslims To Fund Terror Against Non-Muslims The Quran is quite clear on what Islam demands of its followers. Do keep in mind that Allah, most gracious and most merciful, has ordered this. Muslims are under threat of war themselves from Allah and Muhammad S2(279). To not give towards the fight against unbelievers is unjust. Muslims who do not will be judged after death. Muslims are to be the aggressors. Makes sense? And this constitutes a gracious and merciful god?    Surah 2    (274) They who distribute alms of their substance night and day, in private and in public, shall have their reward with the Lord; on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved. (275) They who devour usury shall not arise from the dead, but as he ariseth whom Satan hath infected by a touch: this shall happen to them because they say, Truly selling is but as usury: and yet God hath permitted selling and forbidden usury. He therefore who when there comet

Literally Turning Jews Into Apes. Literally Destroying Faces

Literally  Turning Jews Into Apes. Literally Destroying Faces Surah 1 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD.  (1) Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures; (2) the most merciful, (3) the king of the day of judgment. (4) Thee do we worship, and of thee do we beg assistance. (5) Direct us in the right way, (6) in the way of those  to whom thou hast been gracious; (7) not of those against whom thou art incensed, nor of those who go astray. Notice the words "the most merciful" are written twice obviously for emphasis. But the contradiction starts in S1(7). Surah 2 (61) Surely those who believe, and those who Judaize,  and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believeth in God, and the last day, and doth that which is right, they shall have their reward with their Lord; there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. (62) Call to mind also when we accepted your covenant, and lifted up the mountain of Sinai over you, saying, Receive the