Allah Destroyed Generations

Allah Destroyed Generations Before The Mad Prophet

Allah is very proud of the destruction that it has brought upon the non-Muslims. Every single surah except one, starts off with saying that Allah is most gracious and most merciful. What this Allah says It is and what It actually does are completely contradictory to each other. Passions and actions constitute a person. Here Allah is divided into madness. Muhammed was literally called mad by his contemporaries . Even the Quran records it S15(6).

Surah 6
(1) Praise be unto God, who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath ordained the darkness and the light: nevertheless they who believe not in the Lord equalise other gods with him. (2) It is he who hath created you of clay, and then decreed the term of your lives; and the prefixed term is with him: yet do ye doubt thereof. (3) He is God in heaven and in earth; he knoweth what ye keep secret and what ye publish, and knoweth what ye deserve. (4) There came not unto them any sign of the signs of their Lord, but they retired from the same; (5) and they have gainsaid the truth after that it hath come unto them; but a message shall come unto them concerning that which they have mocked at. (6) Do they not consider how many generations we have destroyed before them? We had established them in the earth in a manner wherein we have not established you; we sent the heaven to rain abundantly upon them, and we gave them rivers which flowed under their feet: yet we destroyed them in their sins, and raised up other generations after them. (7) Although we had caused to descend unto thee a book written on paper, and they had handled it with their hands, the unbelievers had surely said, This is no other than manifest sorcery. (8) They said, Unless an angel be sent down unto him, we will not believe. But if we had sent down an angel, verily the matter had been decreed, and they should not have been borne with, by having time granted them to repent. (9) And if we had appointed an angel for our messenger, we should have sent him in the form of a man, and have clothed him before them, as they are clothed. (10) Other apostles have been laughed to scorn before thee, but the judgment which they made a jest of encompassed those who laughed them to scorn.

(11) Say, Go through the earth, and behold what hath been the end of those who accused our prophets of imposture. 

Surah 7
(1) A. L. M. S. (2) A book hath been sent down unto thee: and therefore let there be no doubt in thy breast concerning it; that thou mayest preach the same, and that it may be an admonition unto the faithful. (3) Follow that which hath been sent down unto you from your Lord: and follow no guides besides him: how little will  ye be warned! (4) How many cities have we destroyed; which our vengeance overtook by night, or while they were reposing themselves at noon-day! (5) And their supplication, when our punishment came upon them, was no other than that they said, Verily we have been unjust.

Surah 10
(1) Al. R. These are the signs of the wise book.

(14) We have formerly destroyed the generations who were before you, O men of Makkah, when they had acted unjustly, and our apostles had come unto them with evident miracles and they would not believe. Thus do we reward the wicked people. (15) Afterwards did we cause you to succeed them in the earth, that we might see how ye would act

Surah 15
(1) A. L. R. These are the signs of the book, and of the perspicuous Qurán.

(2) The time may come when the unbelievers shall wish that they had been Muslims. (3) Suffer them to eat, and to enjoy themselves in this world; and let hope entertain them, but they shall hereafter know their folly. (4) We have not destroyed any city, but a fixed term of repentance was appointed them. (5) No nation shall be punished before their time shall be come; neither shall they be respited after. (6) The Makkans say, O thou to whom the admonition hath been sent down, thou art certainly possessed with a devil

Surah 59
(1) Whatever is in heaven and earth celebrateth the praise of God: and he is the almighty, the wise. (2) It was he who caused those who believed not, of the people who receive the Scripture, to depart from their habitations at the first emigration. Ye did not think that they would go forth; and they thought that their fortresses would protect them against God. But the chastisement of God came upon them from whence they did not expect; and he cast terror into their hearts. They pulled down their houses with their own hands, and the hands of the true believers. Wherefore take example from them, O ye who have eyes. (3) And if God had not doomed them to banishment, he had surely punished them in this world; and in the world to come they shall suffer the torment of hell-fire. (4) This, because they opposed God and his Apostle: and whoso opposeth God, verily God will be severe in punishing him. (5) What palm trees ye cut down or left standing on their roots, were so cut down or left by the will of God; and that he might disgrace the wicked doers. (6) And as to the spoils of these people, which God hath granted wholly to his Apostle, ye did not push forward any horses or camels against the same; but God giveth unto his apostles dominion over whom he pleaseth: for God is almighty. (7) The spoils of the inhabitants of the towns which God hath granted to his Apostle are due unto God and to the Apostle, and to him who is of kin to the Apostle, and the orphans, and the poor, and the traveller; that they may not be for ever divided in a circle among such of you as are rich. What the Apostle shall give you, that accept; and what he shall forbid you, that abstain from: and fear God; for God is severe in chastising.

(8) A part also belongeth to the poor Muhájirín, who have been dispossessed of their houses and their substance, seeking favour from God and his good-will, and assisting God and his Apostle. These are the men of veracity. (9) And they who quietly possessed the town of Madína, and professed the faith without molestation before them, love him who hath fled unto them, and find in their breasts no want of that which is given the Muhájirín, but prefer them before themselves, although there be indigence among them. And whoso is preserved from the covetousness of his own soul, those shall surely prosper. (10) And they who have come after them say, O Lord, forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in the faith, and put not into our hearts ill-will against those who have believed O Lord, verily thou art compassionate and merciful.

(11) Hast thou not observed them who play the hypocrites? They say unto their brethren who believe not, of those who have received the Scriptures, Verily if ye be expelled your habitations, we will surely go forth with you; and we will not pay obedience, in your respect, unto any one for ever: and if ye be attacked, we will certainly assist you. But God is witness that they are liars. (12) Verily if they be expelled, they will not go forth with them: and if they be attacked, they will not assist them: and if they do assist them, they will surely turn their backs; and they shall not be protected. (13) Verily ye are stronger than they, by reason of the terror cast into breasts from God. This, because they are not people of prudence. (14) They will not fight against you in a body, except in fenced towns or from behind walls. Their strength in war among themselves is great: thou thinkest them to be united; but their hearts are divided. This, because they are people who do not understand. (15) Like those who lately preceded them, they have tasted the evil consequence of their deed; and a painful torment is prepared for them hereafter. (16) Thus have the hypocrites deceived the Jews: like the devil, when he saith unto a man, Be thou an infidel; and when he is become an infidel, he saith, Verily I am clear of thee; for I fear God, the Lord of all creatures. (17) Wherefore the end of them both shall be that they shall dwell in hell-fire, abiding therein for ever: and this shall be the recompense of the unjust.

(18) O true believers, fear God; and let a soul look what it sendeth before for the morrow: and fear God, for God is well acquainted with that which ye do. (19) And be not as those who have forgotten God, and whom he hath caused to forget their own souls: these are the wicked doers. (20) The inhabitants of hell-fire and the inhabitants of Paradise shall not be held equal. The inhabitants of Paradise are they who shall enjoy felicity. (21) If we had sent down this Qurán on a mountain, thou wouldest certainly have seen the same humble itself, and cleave in sunder for fear of God. These similitudes do we propose unto men, that they may consider. (22) He is God, besides whom there is no God; who knoweth that which is future and that which is present: he is the most Merciful; (23) he is God, besides whom there is no God: the King the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Faithful, the Guardian, the Powerful, the Strong, the Most High. Far be God exalted above the idols which they associate with him! (24) He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Former. He hath most excellent names. Whatever is in heaven and in earth praiseth him: and he is the Mighty, the Wise.

In the portion of this chapter relating to the distribution of the rich spoils taken from these unfortunate Jews, we see how the Qurán is made to subserve the political interests of Muhammad in providing at once for the replenishment of the war chest S59(6 &7) and for the support of the poor refugees at Madína  S59(8-10).
The expulsion of the Jews had weakened the party in Madína antagonistic to the Muslims, here styled “the hypocrites.” This party is dealt with severely in this chapter. If the closing words S59(18-24) belong to Madína, they were probably intended for the instruction of these hypocrites, though addressed to the “true believers.”
The expulsion of the Baní Nadhír occurred in Rabí ul Awwal, a.h. 4. The revelations of this chapter were enunciated soon after that event.
(George Sale)
The entire surah 59 is a victory speech .

Genesis 16
7 Yahweh’s angel found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain on the way to Shur. 8 He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where did you come from? Where are you going?”
She said, “I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sarai.”
9 Yahweh’s angel said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hands.” 10 Yahweh’s angel said to her, “I will greatly multiply your offspring, that they will not be counted for multitude.” 11 Yahweh’s angel said to her, “Behold, you are with child, and will bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because Yahweh has heard your affliction. 12 He will be like a wild donkey among men. His hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. He will live opposed to all of his brothers.”


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