Is The Quranic Jesus Identical To The Biblical Jesus?

Muhammad says a lot in Al-Quran. That it is the last revelation of Allah via him to mankind. He maintains that Al-Quran is a confirmation of the earlier biblical scriptures. 
In Surah 2 alone there are 50 such acknowledging verses, implying that Al-Quran has just as much authority as the Bible. This book investigates the truth of the matter regarding Jesus. The breakdown of the subject-matter is as follows: 

1 . The Background Of The Quranic Jesus 
2. The Quranic Jesus 
3 . The Background Of The Biblical Jesus 
4 . The Biblical Jesus 
5 . The Begotten 
6.The Messiah/Christ 
7 . The Word 
8 . Jesus Foretells His Death And Resurrection 
9 . The Crucifixion 
10 . The Resurrection 
11 . The Message 
12 . Jesus’s Objective. 
13 . The Lord Jesus Christ
Appendix One . Jonah
Appendix Two. A Selection Of Prophecies Relative To Christ 

This is an ordinary face value analysis of the verses of the Quran to verify its own authority and its own authenticity. A simple cross examination via cross referencing. If Allah is indeed the true God of this entire universe and the Quran is indeed Its final revelation, then all verses must find harmony without regard to chronological order. Nor should the verses conflict. All must acquiescence. The reason for the above procedure is based on what Al-quran itself states: 

1 . About Allah 
Surah 2
(255) God! there is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting: neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven, and on earth. Who is he that [(383)] can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to come unto them, and they shall not comprehend anything of his knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. He is the high, the mighty.

2 . About Al-quran 
Surah 2
(2) There is no doubt in this book; it is a direction to the pious,

Surah 32
(1) A. L. M. The revelation of this book, there is no doubt thereof, is from the Lord of all creatures. (2) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Nay, it is the truth from thy Lord, that thou mayest preach to a people unto whom no preacher hath come before thee; peradventure they will be directed. 

Surah 39
(27) and God caused them to take shame in this present life; but the punishment of the life to come will certainly be greater. If they were men of understanding, they would know this. (28) Now have we proposed unto mankind, in this Qurán, every kind of parable, that they may be warned; (29) an Arabic Qurán, wherein there is no crookedness; that they may fear God.

3 . About Language 
Surah 14
(1) A. L. R. This book have we sent down unto thee, that thou mayest lead men forth from darkness into light, by the permission of their Lord, into the glorious and laudable way 
(4) We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for God causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise.

Face Value Analysis 
According to the above verse, Allah reigns absolute over the past and the present including the future. Therefore a study mindful of the chronological order of events is unnecessary nor appropriate. No doubt, no crookedness nor is translation to any language a problem. Allah is familiar with all the languages of the universe. Therefore an elementary exegetical examination of the English translation of Al-quran is justified. 

The first observation is that Allah refers to Itself as ‘We’. Definitely not singular. To explain ‘We’ to mean that it signifies divine majesty,as some Islamic scholars have, is to completely ignore what Al-quran states relative to the absolute singularity of Allah. 
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, in his English translation of Al-Quran , comments on Surah 2:37 ‘We said, Get ye all down from hence; hereafter shall there come unto you a direction from me, and whoever shall follow my direction, on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved; ’:
Quote: Note the transition from the plural “We” at the beginning of the verse to the singular “ Me ” later in the same verse. God speaks of Himself usually in the first person plural: “We”. It is the plural of respect and honour and is used in human language in Royal proclamations and degrees. But where a special personal relationship is expressed the singular “I” or “Me” is used. Unquote 
The explanation in his commentary is unbelievable because Allah destroys entire peoples unless they believe that Allah is one 
Surah 43
(23) And the preacher answered, What, although I bring you a more right religion than that which ye found your fathers to practise? And they replied, Verily we believe not that which ye are sent to preach.  (24) Wherefore we took vengeance on them: and behold what hath been the end of those who accused our apostles of imposture
Surah 32
(26) Is it not known unto them how many generations we have destroyed before them, through whose dwellings they walk? Verily herein are signs: will they not therefore hearken?
The Quran is full of “We”. If this Allah were indeed the true God, It should be able to invent a respectable new word meaning an absolute one in any language, human or otherwise. Perhaps Allah was not familiar with the English language?

The second observation is that to mankind is given an Arabic Quran. But the majority of mankind do not speak Arabic nor is there any evidence of a significant portion of any race of mankind enthusiastically learning the Arabic language since the death of Muhammad. The English language is just about everywhere. Perhaps Allah was not aware of the future trend of mankind? 

The third observation is that Allah ‘sent no apostle but with the language of his people,’. And Muhammad was Allah’s last prophet/apostle/messenger. Therefore those whose language came about after Muhammad are excluded from Islamic evangelism. One of these peoples would without doubt be all those whose first mother tongue is English in any country because this particular tongue wasn’t around at all when Al-quran was being finalized. Perhaps Allah is not Allah? And Al-quran is doubtful? 
The following work is basically a textbook wherein a simple analytical work may be engaged in but yet for much education. All the quranic verses relative to Jesus are quoted contextually. Thereafter the corresponding biblical verses are quoted in reply. No commentary. No theological discussion. Just plain scriptures. 

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  1. Islam is not much different than the other religions of man. A false Sabbath on a pagan Roman calendar that didn't exist until the year 46 BC, when it was created by the fourth beast power of Daniel 7.
    A pagan lunar calendar that was adopted from Babylon. Unlike Yahudah, who adopted the lunar calendar of Babylon during the exile, Islam would use the lunar calendar after Persia defeated Babylon.
    Islam today, is not much different than the Roman church in the middle ages, in that you do not question their authority without risking your life.
    I admit to not knowing much about Islam. But there was a time when Ishmael obeyed his father, Abraham and kept the oaths given to Abraham, along with the calendar as instructed by Enoch, the seventh from Adam. This information is found in the book of Jubilees.


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