MUhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet. /P1-B1/S(1)&(2)PDF

MUhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet

About The Author
Presently it is necessary that I write under a pseudonym.

There is no one more ordinary than this author. No greatness of character. No mentionable credentials. Except for just one distinctive detail. A long time ago, I realised that I was reading topical books and theological writings, rather than the Bible itself, to find out what the Bible had to say on any subject matter. So I set aside all; and studied exclusively the biblical scriptures, taking good advantage of the various concordances and dictionaries etc. that were available to me. So from Genesis to Revelation and back to Genesis to Revelation and repeat. This book is a result of one such study. It would be of interest to all scripture addicts.

I do not write on theological matters. I find that there is a huge discrepancy between theology and the scriptures. My books are a study of the scriptures, biblical and gnostic. The Quran claims to confirm and to be a continuation of the biblical scriptures. My books reveal that the Quran is gnostic; that while insisting on the singularity of Allah, Muhammad identifies himself as co-equal to it; that Muhammad is bipolar and that he had a distorted time perception. My books may not interest pupils of theology. But they will certainly hold captive any pupil of the scriptures.

I am not aware of any other work that deals with the above mentioned subject matters as analysed here.

                                                          True Nature Of Islam
                                                      An Exegesis Of Al-quran:
                                                                     Surah 1&2.
                                                                      Book One

This is entirely my work. It is independently published and I hold the copyright.
Also by gautama purushottama
Is The Quranic Jesus Identical To The Biblical Jesus?

Much has been written about the Arabs, and their culture and worship rituals before Muhammad and after him. Repetition of such is not necessary. The diligent is directed to the Sources website's links for edification(page 247).

Some additional useful links are gnostic writings because Al-quran is gnostic; several stories that Muhammad told are found in such writings.

The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopaedia

The life of Mahomet: with introductory chapters on the original sources for the biography of Mahomet, and on the pre-Islamite history of Arabia / by William Muir, esq.

Online Books by
(Muir, William, Sir, 1819-1905)

BY THE REV. W. ST. CLAIR TISDALL, M.A., D.D.(1859-1928)

Bell, Richard (1876-1952), The Origin of Islam in its Christian Environment

This is a textbook face value exegesis of the first 2 Surahs of Al-quran. It seeks to initiate a mature reconsideration of Al-quran by those who hold it to be the final revelation of Allah. To promote that clear objective, Al-quran is analyzed without regard to time sequence or geographical location of Allah’s revelation to Muhammad via Gabriel.

This study is based on Al-quran’s English translation by George Sale(1734). Other English translations are consulted as well. See Sources.

It is essential to start with statements that describe Al-quran and define Allah and which has somewhat to say to Muslims. A note to the non-Muslims: Muslims prefer to hear a complete quranic verse rather than the part of the verse where the topic might be. Thus frequently whole verses are quoted with the point under analysis in black.

The Quranic Statements
Surah 2
(1) A. L. M. (2) There is no doubt in this book; it is a direction to the pious, (3) who believe in the mysteries of faith, who observe the appointed times of prayer, and distribute alms out of what we have bestowed on them, (4) and who believe in that revelation, which hath been sent down unto thee and that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee, and have firm assurance of the life to come: (5) these are directed by their Lord, and they shall prosper.

(88) And when a book came unto them from God, confirming the scriptures which were with them, although they had before prayed for assistance against those who believed not, yet when that came unto them which they knew to be from God, they would not believe therein: therefore the curse of God shall be on the infidels

(185) The month of Ramadhán shall ye fast, in which the Qurán was sent down from heaven, a direction unto men, and declarations of direction, and the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, let him among you who shall be present in this month, fast the same month; but he who shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast the like number of other days. God would make this an ease unto you, and would not make it a difficulty unto you; that ye may fulfil the number of days, and glorify God, for that he hath directed you, and that ye may give thanks.

(164) Your God is one God; there is no God but He, the most merciful.
(165) Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and the vicissitude of night and day, and in the ship which saileth in the sea, laden with what is profitable for mankind, and in the rain water which God sendeth from heaven, quickening thereby the dead earth, and replenishing the same with all sorts of cattle, and in the change of winds, and the clouds that are compelled to do service between heaven and earth, are signs to people of understanding: (166) yet some men take idols beside God, and love them as with the love due to God; but the true believers are more fervent in love towards God. Oh, that they who act unjustly did perceive, when they behold their punishment, that all power belongeth unto God, and that he is severe in punishing

According to the above verses, Allah is singular and most merciful, all powerful and severe in punishing. This book S2(1) is Al-quran, in which there is no doubt and was sent down from heaven. It confirms the previously revealed biblical scriptures. And is an exposition of them. Therefore the Quran claims to be a continuation of the biblical scriptures. These bold statements shall be tested here.

The first noticeable curiosity is that in S2(3) Allah addresses itself as ‘we’ and further down in S2(164) as ‘he’. A confusion of plurality jointly with singularity. A baseline fault that speaks volumes. How could this Allah so described in S2(165) not create or invent a majestic grammar and word that does it justice? The reason is that it’s not Allah but Muhammad who identifies himself as Allah. The true name of this Islamic god is not just Allah but Muhammad also. In other words Muhammad is Allah 
(more on chapter 1: Muhammad’s Status Was Equal To Allah ).

The second noticeable curiosity is that Allah is not just merciful but the most merciful S2(164), and then in the immediate verse following Allah’s several blessings are stated. These are signs to people of understanding S2(166) which the same verse also reveals the bi-polarity of Allah, who is now severe in punishing those who do not worship it. Therefore this Allah or Muhammad is experiencing dementia? It is illogical to attribute most merciful to a selective God.

An exegetical study mindful of the chronological order of events is neither unnecessary nor appropriate. This is proved by the helter-skelter subject arrangement of Al-quran (more on chapter 25: Distorted Time Perception). What is indispensable are concordances, which enable study of numerous repetitions in different situations, which then describes a subject matter by revealing Muhammad’s thinking. This type of concordant study reveals the true nature of Islam. This exegesis required several concordances. Reading through a concordance is recommended as is also a visit to the quoted websites.

Nor is familiarity of the Arabic language necessary. For surely Allah has also brought about the English translation, for Al-quran says in: Surah 14 (4) ‘We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for God causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise’.

Now consider diligently the verses quoted below:
Surah 30(21) And of his signs are also the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variety of your languages, and of your complexions: verily herein are signs unto men of understanding. Surah 41(41) Verily they who believe not in the admonition of the Qurán, after it hath come unto them, shall one day be discovered. It is certainly a book of infinite value: (42) vanity shall not approach it, either from before it, or from behind it: it is a revelation from a wise God, whose praise is justly to be celebrated. Surah 12(1) A. L. R. (2) These are the signs of the perspicuous book, which we have sent down in the Arabic tongue, that, peradventure, ye might understand. (3) We relate unto thee a most excellent history, by revealing unto thee this Qurán, whereas thou wast before one of the negligent. 
Surah 33(40) Muhammad is not the father of any man among you; but the Apostle of God and the seal of the prophets: and God knoweth all things.

And a major noticeable curiosity is revealed!
Every apostle, sent before Muhammad, spoke the language of his hearers. Muhammad spoke in the Arabic language to the Arabs and was the last of the prophets. Therefore it follows that no other prophet will be sent to any other race; and that any people whose language came up after Muhammad is exempt from Islamic evangelism. One such language is English. Thus any person whose mother tongue is English, regardless of birthplace, is free from Islamic propaganda. Should Al-quran be translated into the English language? Allah’s revelation requires its followers to answer ‘No’. Another is Gurmukhi in which the sacred book of the Sikhs are written. Sikhism, the 5th largest major religion. About 20-30 million followers are exempt. In fact, anyone whose mother tongue is not Arabic is exempt.

The question on every reader's-especially a Christian’s- mind would be: Why are there so many biblical quotations in this study? Even whole chapters? The answer is simple: It's unavoidable. Primarily because of the Muslim mindset. I’ve engaged much in arguments online with Muslims and I find that they have a blind obedience to their leaders or famous Muslim public speakers. Copy and paste. Not as yet have I come across any Muslim who speaks based on his/her own research. None, except for bits and pieces of fragments, can claim to have any genuine knowledgeable comprehension of the Bible. Muslims do not read the Bible, considering it corrupted and replaced by Al-quran. And Christians do not read Al-quran. Most who attempt to do so are bogged down by its sheer randomness. There is no logical arrangement of its various subject matters. (more on chapter 25: Distorted Time Perception) But it is necessary for the Christian reader to try and read these 2 Surahs as laid out in Al-quran from one of the quoted websites, if not from a book. Quoting the entire 2 Surahs here would make for a very lengthy book. In this study all the verses of the 2 Surahs are scrutinised according to breakdowns requisite to cognizance.

Therefore the biblical scriptures must be quoted for the benefit of both the Muslims and the Christians. The quranic claims are disproved when the contradictions become apparent. The non-Muslims are made aware of what Al-quran claims; and Christians are strengthened in their faith and unafraid confident proclamation of Christ. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)

Subject-Matter Of This Study
(1) Muhammad never ever was a prophet or an apostle.
(2) Muhammad’s status was equal to Allah.
(3) Al-quran states that it confirms the biblical scriptures.
(4) Al-quran is not a continuation of the biblical scriptures.
(5) Therefore Islam is futile deceit, not a religion.

A simple exegesis of Surah 1 The Opening and Surah 2 The Cow follows as an example:
Surah 1
(1) Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures; (2) the most merciful, (3) the king of the day of judgment.

At the very beginning, twice the Quran states that Allah is the most Merciful. But is that true? In Surah 2 the Quran states the following:
A Mini Concordance
Surah 2
  1. (6) As for the unbelievers, it will be equal to them whether thou admonish them, or do not admonish them; they will not believe. (7) God hath sealed up their hearts and their hearing; a dimness covereth their sight, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment
  2. (10) There is an infirmity in their hearts, and God hath increased that infirmity; and they shall suffer a most painful punishment, because they have disbelieved.
  3. (15) God shall mock at them, and continue them in their impiety; they shall wander in confusion.
  4. (17) They are like unto one who kindleth a fire, and when it hath enlightened all around him, God taketh away their light and leaveth them in darkness, they shall not see;
  5. (19) Or like a stormy cloud from heaven, fraught with darkness, thunder, and lightning, they put their fingers in their ears because of the noise of the thunder, for fear of death; God encompasseth the infidels: (20) the lightning wanteth but little of taking away their sight; so often as it enlighteneth them, they walk therein, but when darkness cometh on them, they stand still: and if God so pleased he would certainly deprive them of their hearing and their sight, for God is mighty.

Allah’s procedural strategy-e.g.(7) God hath sealed up their hearts and their hearing, (10) God hath increased that infirmity (15) God shall mock at them (17)God taketh away their light and leaveth them in darkness, they shall not see;-is in complete contradiction to its stated attribute of being most merciful. Allah seems to forget rather rapidly.

1 Muhammad’s Status Was Equal To Allah 14
2 Unbelief Disease 51
3 A Surah 2 Concordance Of Likeness/Similitude 60
4 Paradise/Gardens And Pure Companions 77
5 Adam 82
6 Children Of Israel 97
7 Moses 119
8 The Two Angels In Babel. Harut And Marut 129
9 Never Ever A Prophet 141
10 Sign Of The Begotten Son 143
11 Abraham And Ishmael At Makkah And Qibla 150
12 Abraham 174
13 Beg Assistance With Patience And Prayer 177
14 Eat Of That Which Is Lawful And Good 189
15 Retaliation Is Ordained 194
16 Fasting 197
17 Fighting 201
18 There Is A Man 205
19 Mankind Was Of One Faith 209
20 Spending On Orphans; Question About Wine 217
21 Marriage Divorce Sex Menstruation Children 221
22 Advancing The Religion Of Allah 236
23 Usury Debt 241
24 A Soul Beyond Its Scope 247
25 Distorted Time Perception. Dyschronometria. 249
Sources 259

1 Muhammad’s Status Was Equal To Allah
Al-Quran states a lot about Allah. Mainly that it is just one and that there is no other being equal to it. But the Quran also contradicts its self when it states that Allah together with Muhammad is to be obeyed. Muhammad confuses himself with Allah. Bipolarity runs rampant throughout Al-quran. Allah-Muhammad refers to itself in both the plural and the singular. This is definite proof that Muhammad was never ever a prophet because split-personality properties is not typical of any truly divinely inspired human. He never actually prophesied. He was a fake prophet. There is not a single recorded prophecy of Muhammad in Al-quran...........

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25 Distorted Time Perception. Dyschronometria.

Almost 1400 years before Jesus was Moses. Islamic calendar starts from  Muhammad’s Hijrah which was in 622 A.D. The following provides  evidence of Muhammad’s distorted time perception. Dyschronometria. Maulana Muhammad Ali in his commentary of his English translation of Al-quran(1917) unknowingly provides confirmation of it. 

A brief list of instances of distorted time perception follows. A complete listing would require a book. 

Surah 2 

Instance #1

Appurtenant To Moses 

  1. (39) O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured you; and perform your covenant with me, and I will perform my covenant with you; and revere me:

Immediate To  Muhammad’s Present. 

Chronological  disorder in the midst of the verses.

  1. (40) and believe in the revelation which I have sent down, confirming that which is with you, and be not the first who believe not therein, neither exchange my signs for a small price; and fear me

  2.  (41) Clothe not the truth with vanity, neither conceal the truth against your own knowledge; 

  3. (42) observe the stated times of prayer, and pay your legal alms, and bow down yourselves with those who bow down.

Instance #2

Appurtenant To Moses  

  1. (82) Remember also, when we accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall not worship any other except God, and ye shall show kindness to your parents and kindred, and to orphans, and to the poor, and speak that which is good unto men, and be constant at prayer, and give alms. Afterwards ye turned back, except a few of you, and retired afar off. 

Immediate To  Muhammad’s Present

The reference here is to the important treaty of mutual obligation in writing which the Holy Prophet entered into with the Jews when he settled at Medina. (Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali ) 

  1. (83) And when we accepted your covenant, saying, You shall not shed your brother’s blood, nor dispossess one another of your habitations; then ye confirmed it, and were witnesses thereto. 

  2. (84) Afterwards ye were they who slew one another, and turned several of your brethren out of their houses, mutually assisting each other against them with injustice and enmity; but if they come as captives unto you, ye redeem them: yet it is equally unlawful for you to dispossess them. Do ye therefore believe in part of the book of the law, and reject other part thereof? But whoso among you doth this, shall have no other reward than shame in this life, and on the day of resurrection they shall be sent to a most grievous punishment; for God is not regardless of that which ye do. 

  3. (85) These are they who have purchased this present life, at the price of that which is to come; wherefore their punishment shall not be mitigated, neither shall they be helped.

Instance #3

(a)Appurtenant To Moses  

  1. (86) We formerly delivered the book of the law unto Moses, and caused apostles to succeed him, 

(b)Appurtenant To Jesus

and gave evident miracles to Jesus the son of Mary, and strengthened him with the holy spirit.

Immediate To Muhammad’s Present

The change of tense from the past to the preterite is an allusion to the attempts which were then being made on the life of the Holy Prophet. (Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali)

 Do ye therefore, whenever an apostle cometh unto you with that which your souls desire not, proudly reject him, and accuse some of imposture, and slay others?

  1.  (87) The Jews say, Our hearts are uncircumcised: but God hath cursed them with their infidelity; therefore few shall believe. 

  2. (88) And when a book came unto them from God, confirming the scriptures which were with them, although they had before prayed for assistance against those who believed not, yet when that came unto them which they knew to be from God, they would not believe therein: therefore the curse of God shall be on the infidels.

  3. (89) For a vile price have they sold their souls, that they should not believe in that which God hath sent down; out of envy, because God sendeth down his favours to such of his servants as he pleaseth: therefore they brought on themselves indignation on indignation; and the unbelievers shall suffer an ignominious punishment. 

  4. (90) When one saith unto them, Believe in that which God hath sent down; they answer, We believe in that which hath been sent down unto us: and they reject what hath been revealed since, although it be the truth, confirming that which is with them. 

Instance #4

Appurtenant To Moses 

Say, Why therefore have ye slain the prophets of God in times past, if ye be true believers? 

  1. (91) Moses formerly came unto you with evident signs, but ye afterwards took the calf for your god and did wickedly.

  2. (92) And when we accepted your covenant, and lifted the mountain of Sinai over you, saying, Receive the law which we have given you, with a resolution to perform it, and hear; they said, We have heard, and have rebelled: and they were made to drink down the calf into their hearts for their unbelief. Say, A grievous thing hath your faith commanded you, if ye be true believers?

Immediate To Muhammad’s Present 

  1. (93) Say, If the future mansion with God be prepared peculiarly for you, exclusive of the rest of mankind, wish for death, if ye say truth;

  2. (94) but they will never wish for it, because of that which their hands have sent before them; God knoweth the wicked-doers; 

  3. (95) and thou shalt surely find them of all men the most covetous of life, even more than the idolaters: one of them would desire his life to be prolonged a thousand years, but none shall reprieve himself from punishment, that his life may be prolonged: God seeth that which they do.

Instance #5

Immediately Appurtenant To Gabriel

Abrupt change to a different subject matter 

  1. (96) Say, Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel (for he hath caused the Qurán to descend on thy heart, by the permission of God, confirming that which was before revealed, a direction, and good tidings to the faithful); 

  2. (97) whosoever is an enemy to God, or his angels, or his apostles, or to Gabriel, or Michael, verily God is an enemy to the unbelievers.

  3. (98) And now we have sent down unto thee evident signs, and none will disbelieve them but the evil-doers. 

  4. (99) Whenever they make a covenant, will some of them reject it? yea, the greater part of them do not believe. 

Muhammad’s Present

  1. (100) And when there came unto them an apostle from God, confirming that scripture which was with them, some of those to whom the scriptures were given cast the book of God behind their backs, as if they knew it not:

Instance #6

Immediately Appurtenant To Solomon 

  1. (101) and they followed the device which the devils devised against the kingdom of Solomon, and Solomon was not an unbeliever; but the devils believed not; they taught men sorcery, and that which was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Márút; yet those two taught no man until they had said, Verily we are a temptation, therefore be not an unbeliever. So men learned from those two a charm by which they might cause division between a man and his wife; but they hurt none thereby, unless by God’s permission, and they learned that which would hurt them, and not profit them; and yet they knew that he who bought that art should have no part in the life to come, and woful is the price for which they have sold their souls, if they knew it. 

  2. (102) But if they had believed, and feared God, verily the reward they would have had from God would have been better, if they had known it.

Instance #7

Muhammad’s Present With Moses’s Contemporaries 

  1.  (107) Will ye require of your apostle according to that which was formerly required of Moses? but he that hath exchanged faith for infidelity, hath already erred from the straight way. 

  2. (108) Many of those unto whom the scriptures have been given, desire to render you again unbelievers, after ye have believed; out of envy from their souls, even after the truth is become manifest unto them; but forgive them, and avoid them, till God shall send his command; for God is omnipotent. 

  3. (109) Be constant in prayer, and give alms; and what good ye have sent before for your souls, ye shall find it with God; surely God seeth that which ye do. 

Instance #8

(a)Appurtenant To Moses

  1. (122) O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured you, and that I have preferred you before all nations; 

  2. (123) and dread the day wherein one soul shall not make satisfaction for another soul, neither shall any compensation be accepted from them, nor shall any intercession avail, neither shall they be helped.

(b)Appurtenant To Abraham 

  1.  (124) Remember when the Lord tried Abraham by certain words, which he fulfilled: God said, Verily I will constitute thee a model of religion unto mankind; he answered, And also of my posterity; God said, My covenant doth not comprehend the ungodly. 

  2. (125) And when we appointed the holy house of Makkah to be a place of resort for mankind, and a place of security; and said, Take the station of Abraham for a place of prayer; and we covenanted with Abraham and Ismaíl, that they should cleanse my house for those who should compass it, and those who should be devoutly assiduous there, and those who should bow down and worship.

  3. (126) And when Abraham said, Lord, make this a territory of security, and bounteously bestow fruits on its inhabitants, such of them as believe in God and the last day; God answered, And whosoever believeth not, I will bestow on him little; afterwards I will drive him to the punishment of hell-fire; an ill journey shall it be!

  4. (127) And when Abraham and Ismaíl raised the foundations of the house, saying, Lord, accept it from us, for thou art he who heareth and knoweth: 

  5. (128) Lord, make us also resigned unto thee, and of our posterity a people resigned unto thee, and show us our holy ceremonies, and be turned unto us, for thou art easy to be reconciled, and merciful.

Immediate To Muhammad’s Present

  1. (129) Lord, send them likewise an apostle from among them, who may declare thy signs unto them, and teach them the book of the Qurán and wisdom, and may purify them; for thou art mighty and wise.

  2.  (130) Who will be averse to the religion of Abraham, but he whose mind is infatuated? Surely we have chosen him in this world, and in that which is to come he shall be one of the righteous. 

Instance #9

(a)Immediately Appurtenant To Abraham

  1. (131) When his Lord said unto him, Resign thyself unto me; he answered, I have resigned myself unto the Lord of all creatures. 

  2. (132) And Abraham bequeathed this religion to his children, and Jacob did the same, saying, My children, verily God hath chosen this religion for you, therefore die not, unless ye also be resigned.

(b)Appurtenant To Jacob

  1. (133) Were ye present when Jacob was at the point of death? when he said to his sons, Whom will ye worship after me? They answered, We will worship thy God, and the God of thy fathers Abraham, and Ismaíl, and Isaac, one God, and to him will we be resigned. 

Immediate To Muhammad’s Present

  1. (134) That people are now passed away, they have what they have gained, and ye shall have what ye gain; and ye shall not be questioned concerning that which they have done.

  2. (135) They say, Become Jews or Christians that ye may be directed. Say, Nay, we follow the religion of Abraham the orthodox, who was no idolater. 

  3. (136) Say, We believe in God, and that which hath been sent down unto us, and that which hath been sent down unto Abraham, and Ismaíl, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was delivered unto Moses, and Jesus, and that which was delivered unto the prophets from their Lord: We make no distinction between any of them, and to God are we resigned. 

  4. (137) Now if they believe according to what ye believe, they are surely directed, but if they turn back, they are in schism. God shall support thee against them, for he is the hearer, the wise

  5.  (138) The baptism of God have we received, and who is better than God to baptise? him do we worship.

  6.  (139) Say, Will ye dispute with us concerning God, who is our Lord, and your Lord? We have our works, and ye have your works, and unto him are we sincerely devoted. 

  7. (140) Will ye say, truly Abraham, and Ismaíl and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say, are ye wiser, or God? And who is more unjust than he who hideth the testimony which he hath received from God? But God is not regardless of that which ye do. (141) That people are passed away, they have what they have gained, and ye shall have what ye gain, nor shall ye be questioned concerning that which they have done.

  8. (147) They to whom we have given the scripture know our apostle, even as they know their own children; but some of them hide the truth, against their own knowledge.

A Curious Time Distortion: Compare S2(129) with S2(152) 

A prophecy of  Abraham 

(129) Lord, send them likewise an apostle from among them, who may declare thy signs unto them, and teach them the book of the Qurán and wisdom, and may purify them; for thou art mighty and wise.

Fulfilled below:

 (152) As we have sent unto you an apostle from among you, to rehearse our signs unto you, and to purify you, and to teach you the book of the Qurán and wisdom, and to teach you that which ye knew not.

Both verses are spoken by the same man. Muhammad projects his  utterance back into the past as Abraham’s prophecy of himself and then announces its fulfilment.

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