A Remember/Remembrance Concordance

A Remember/Remembrance Concordance 



Surah 2
(39) O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured you; and perform your covenant with me, and I will perform my covenant with you; and revere me:
(46) O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured you, and that I have preferred you above all nations;
(48) Remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who grievously oppressed you, they slew your male children, and let your females live: therein was a great trial from your Lord. (49) And when we divided the sea for you and delivered you, and drowned Pharaoh’s people while ye looked on. (50) And when we treated with Moses forty nights; then ye took the calf for your God, and did evil; (51) yet afterwards we forgave you, that peradventure ye might give thanks. (52) And when we gave Moses the book of the law, and the distinction between good and evil, that peradventure ye might be directed. (53) And when Moses said unto his people, O my people, verily ye have injured your own souls, by your taking the calf for your God; therefore be turned unto your Creator, and slay those among you who have been guilty of that crime: this will be better for you in the sight of your Creator: and thereupon he turned unto you, for he is easy to be reconciled, and merciful. (54) And when ye said, O Moses, we will not believe thee, until we see God manifestly; therefore a punishment came upon you, while ye looked on; (55) then we raised you to life after ye had been dead, that peradventure ye might give thanks.
(57) And when we said, Enter into this city, and eat of the provisions thereof plentifully as ye will; and enter the gate worshipping, and say, Forgiveness! we will pardon you your sins, and give increase unto the well-doers.
(59) And when Moses asked drink for his people, we said, Strike the rock with thy rod; and there gushed thereout twelve fountains according to the number of the tribes, and all men knew their respective drinking-place. Eat and drink of the bounty of God, and commit not evil on the earth, acting unjustly. (60) And when ye said, O Moses, we will by no means be satisfied with one kind of food; pray unto thy Lord therefore for us, that he would produce for us of that which the earth bringeth forth, herbs and cucumbers, and garlic, and lentils, and onions; Moses answered, Will ye exchange that which is better, for that which is worse? Get ye down into Egypt, for there shall ye find what ye desire: and they were smitten with vileness and misery, and drew on themselves indignation from God. This they suffered, because they believed not in the signs of God, and killed the prophets unjustly; this, because they rebelled and transgressed.
(62) Call to mind also when we accepted your covenant, and lifted up the mountain of Sinai over you, saying, Receive the law which we have given you, with a resolution to keep it, and remember that which is contained therein, that ye may beware.
(66) And when Moses said unto his people, Verily God commandeth you to sacrifice a cow; they answered. Dost thou make a jest of us! Moses said, God forbid that I should be one of the foolish.
(71) And when ye slew a man, and contended among yourselves concerning him, God brought forth to light that which ye concealed.
(82) Remember also, when we accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall not worship any other except God, and ye shall show kindness to your parents and kindred, and to orphans, and to the poor, and speak that which is good unto men, and be constant at prayer, and give alms. Afterwards ye turned back, except a few of you, and retired afar off. (83) And when we accepted your covenant, saying, Ve shall not shed your brother’s blood, nor dispossess one another of your habitations; then ye confirmed it, and were witnesses thereto.
(92) And when we accepted your covenant, and lifted the mountain of Sinai over you, saying, Receive the law which we have given you, with a resolution to perform it, and hear; they said, We have heard, and have rebelled: and they were made to drink down the calf into their hearts for their unbelief. Say, A grievous thing hath your faith commanded you, if ye be true believers
(122) O children of Israel, remember my favour wherewith I have favoured you, and that I have preferred you before all nations;
(125) And when we appointed the holy house of Makkah to be a place of resort for mankind, and a place of security; and said, Take the station of Abraham for a place of prayer; and we covenanted with Abraham and Ismaíl, that they should cleanse my house for those who should compass it, and those who should be devoutly assiduous there, and those who should bow down and worship. (126) And when Abraham said, Lord, make this a territory of security, and bounteously bestow fruits on its inhabitants, such of them as believe in God and the last day; God answered, And whoever believeth not, I will bestow on him little; afterwards I will drive him to the punishment of hell-fire; an ill journey shall it be! (127) And when Abraham and Ismaíl raised the foundations of the house, saying, Lord, accept it from us, for thou art he who heareth and knoweth:
152. Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith.

Surah 3
103. And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you that ye may be guided

121. (Remember that morning) thou didst leave thy household (early) to post the faithful at their stations for battle: And Allah heareth and knoweth all things:
122. Remember two of your parties Meditated cowardice; but Allah was their protector, and in Allah should the faithful (ever) put their trust.
123. Allah had helped you at Badr, when ye were a contemptible little force; then fear Allah. thus may ye show your gratitude.
124. Remember thou saidst to the faithful: "Is it not enough for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels (Specially) sent down?"

135. And those who, having done an act of indecency to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, remember Allah, and ask for forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah? - and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done.

187. And remember Allah took a Covenant from the People of the Book, to make it known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And vile was the bargain they made!

Surah 4
127. They ask thy instruction concerning the women: Say: Allah doth instruct you about them: And (remember) what hath been rehearsed unto you in the Book, concerning the orphans of women to whom ye give not the portions prescribed, and yet whom ye desire to marry, as also concerning the children who are weak and oppressed: that ye stand firm for justice to orphans. There is not a good deed which ye do, but Allah is well-acquainted therewith.

Surah 5
20. Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.

Surah 6
152. And come not nigh to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear;- whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill the Covenant of Allah. thus doth He command you, that ye may remember.

Surah 7
3. Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto you from your Lord, and follow not, as friends or protectors, other than Him. Little it is ye remember of admonition.

57. It is He Who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember.

74 . "And remember how He made you inheritors after the Àd people and gave you habitations in the land: ye build for yourselves palaces and castles in (open) plains, and carve out homes in the mountains; so bring to remembrance the benefits (ye have received) from Allah, and refrain from evil and mischief on the earth."

86. "And squat not on every road, breathing threats, hindering from the path of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking in it something crooked; But remember how ye were little, and He gave you increase. And see what was the end of those who did mischief.

141. And remember We rescued you from Pharaoh's people, who afflicted you with the worst of punishments, who slew your male children and saved alive your females: in that was a momentous trial from your Lord.

161. And remember it was said to them: "Dwell in this town and eat therein as ye wish, but say the word of humility and enter the gate in a posture of humility: We shall forgive you your faults; We shall increase (the portion of) those who do good."

205. And do thou (O reader!) Bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility, and remember without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful.

Surah 8
9. Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you: "I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks."

11. Remember He covered you with drowsiness, to give you calm as from Himself, and He caused rain to descend on you from heaven, to clean you therewith, to remove from you the stain of Satan, to strengthen your hearts, and to plant your feet firmly therewith.
12. Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

30. Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

32. Remember how they said: "O Allah! if this is indeed the Truth from Thee, rain down on us a shower of stones from the sky, or send us a grievous chastisement."

42. Remember ye were on the hither side of the valley, and they on the farther side, and the caravan on lower ground than ye. Even if ye had made a mutual appointment to meet, ye would certainly have failed in the appointment: But (thus ye met), that Allah might accomplish a matter already decided; that those who died might die after a Clear Sign (had been given), and those who lived might live after a Clear Sign (had been given). And verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things).
43. Remember in thy dream Allah showed them to thee as few: if He had shown them to thee as many, ye would surely have been discouraged, and ye would surely have disputed in (your) decision; but Allah saved (you): for He knoweth well the (secrets) of (all) hearts.
44. And remember when ye met, He showed them to you as few in your eyes, and He made you appear as contemptible in their eyes: that Allah might accomplish a matter already decided. And unto Allah are all matters returned.

48. Remember Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them, and said: "No one among men can overcome you this day, while I am near to you": But when the two forces came in sight of each other, he turned on his heels, and said: "Lo! I am clear of you; lo! I see what ye see not; Lo! I fear Allah. for Allah is strict in punishment."

57. If ye gain the mastery over them in war, disperse, with them, those who follow them, that they may remember.

72. Those who believed, and emigrated, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons in the Cause of Allah, as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) friends and protectors, one of another. As to those who believed but did not emigrate, ye owe no duty of protection to them until they emigrate; but if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance. And (remember) Allah seeth all that ye do.

Surah 12
85. They said: "By Allah. (never) wilt thou cease to remember Joseph until thou reach the last extremity of illness, or until thou die!"

Surah 14
6. Remember! Moses said to his people: "Call to mind the favor of Allah to you when He delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: they set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons, and let your women-folk live: therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord."
7. And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favors) unto you; but if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed."

Surah 18
24. Except "If Allah so wills," and remember thy Lord when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right course."

Surah 20
25. (Moses) said: "O my Lord! expand me my breast;....
34. "And remember Thee without stint:

Surah 21
76. (Remember) Noah, when he cried (to Us) aforetime: We listened to his (prayer) and delivered him and his family from great distress
78. And remember David and Solomon, when they gave judgment in the matter of the field into which the sheep of certain people had strayed by night: We did witness their judgment.
83. And (remember) Job, when He cried to his Lord, "Truly distress has seized me, but Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful."
85. And (remember) Ismail, Idrís, and Zulkifl, all (men) of constancy and patience;
87. And remember Zunnün, when he departed in wrath: He imagined that We had no power over him! But he cried through the depths of darkness, "There is no god but Thou: glory to Thee: I was indeed wrong!"
89. And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord: "O my Lord! leave me not without offspring, though Thou art the best of inheritors."
91. And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples.

Surah 29
28. And (remember) Lüt: behold, he said to his people: "Ye do commit lewdness, such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you.

38. (Remember also) the Àd and the Thamüd (people): clearly will appear to you from (the traces) of their buildings (their fate): Satan made their deeds alluring to them, and kept them back from the Path, though they were keen-sighted.
39. (Remember also) Qárün, Pharaoh, and Hámán: there came to them Moses with Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not overreach (Us).

Surah 33
7. And remember We took from the Prophets their Covenant: As from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant:
9. O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, (bestowed) on you, when there came down on you hosts (to overwhelm you): But We sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not: but Allah sees (clearly) all that ye do.

Surah 35
3. O men! Remember the grace of Allah unto you! Is there a Creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth? There is no god but He: how then are ye perverted?

Surah 38
17 . Have patience at what they say, and remember Our servant David, the man of strength: for he ever turned (in repentance to Allah).

Surah 40
44. "Soon will ye remember what I say to you (now), My (own) affair I commit to Allah: for Allah (ever) watches over His Servants."

Surah 43
13. In order that ye may sit firm and square on their backs, and when so seated, ye may remember the (kind) favor of your Lord, and say, "Glory to Him Who has subjected these to our (use), for we could never be able to do it,

Surah 54
17. And We have indeed made the Qurán easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?
22. But We have indeed made the Qurán easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?
32. And We have indeed made the Qurán easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?
40. And We have indeed made the Qurán easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?

Surah 61
5. And remember, Moses said to his people: "O my people! why do ye vex and insult me, though ye know that I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you?" Then when they went wrong, Allah let their hearts go wrong. For Allah guides not those who are rebellious transgressors.
6. And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Taurát (Law) (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "This is evident sorcery!"

Surah 79
35. The Day when man shall remember (all) that he strove for,

Surah 89
23. And Hell, that Day, is brought (face to face),- on that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance profit him?

A Message Of Remembrances, Not Of Prophecy
Surah 4
142. The Hypocrites - they think they are over-reaching Allah, but He will over-reach them: When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance;

Surah 5
7. And call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts.
11. O ye who believe! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you when certain men formed the design to stretch out their hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you: so fear Allah. And on Allah let believers put (all) their trust.
91. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?

Surah 7
69. "Do ye wonder that there hath come to you a message from your Lord through a man of your own people, to warn you? Call in remembrance that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and gave you a stature tall among the nations. Call in remembrance the benefits (ye have received) from Allah. that so ye may prosper."
71. When We raised the Mount over them, as if it had been a canopy, and they thought it was going to fall on them (We said): "Hold firmly to what We have given you, and bring (ever) to remembrance what is therein; perchance ye may fear Allah."
201. Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! they see (aright)!

Surah 8
45. O ye who believe! When ye meet a force, be firm, and call Allah in remembrance much (and often); that ye may prosper:

Surah 11
120. All that we relate to thee of the stories of the messengers,- with it We make firm thy heart: in them there cometh to thee the Truth, as well as an exhortation and a message of remembrance to those who believe.

Surah 13
28. "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah; for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.

Surah 18
28. And keep yourself content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; nor obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, and his affair has become all excess.
101. (Unbelievers) whose eyes had been under a veil from remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear.

Surah 20
14. "Verily, I am Allah. There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for My remembrance.
42. "Go, thou and thy brother, with My Signs, and slacken not, either of you, in keeping Me in remembrance.
113. Thus have We sent this down - an Arabic Qurán - and explained therein in detail some of the warnings, in order that they may fear Allah, or that it may cause their remembrance (of Him).

Surah 24
37. By men whom neither trade nor sale can divert from the Remembrance of Allah, nor from regular prayer, nor from paying Zakat: Their (only) fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will be turned about,-

Surah 26
227. Except those who believe, work righteousness, engage much in the remembrance of Allah, and defend themselves after they are unjustly attacked. And soon will the unjust know what vicissitudes their affairs will take!

Surah 29
45. Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from shameful and evil deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do.

Surah 33
35. For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's remembrance,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward
41. O ye who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance;

Surah 38
46. Verily We did choose them for a special (purpose)- the remembrance of the Hereafter.

Surah 39
21. Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow, therewith, produce of various colors: then it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then He makes it dry up and crumble away. Truly, in this, is a Message of remembrance to men of understanding.
22. Is one whose heart Allah has opened to Islám, so that he has received Light from Allah, (no better than one hard-hearted)? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! they are manifestly wandering (in error)!
23. Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide.

Surah 43
36. If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of the Most Gracious, We appoint for him a Satan, to be an intimate companion to him.

Surah 57
16. Has not the time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given the Book aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors.

Surah 58
19. Satan has got the better of them: so he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the Party of Satan. Truly, it is the Party of Satan that will lose!

Surah 62
9. O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!

Surah 63
9. O ye who believe! Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. If any act thus, surely they are the losers.

Surah 69
12. That We might make it a Reminder unto you, and that ears (that should hear the tale and) retain its memory should bear its (lessons) in remembrance.

Surah 72
17. "That We might try them by that (means). But if any turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cause him to undergo ever-growing Chastisement.

Surah 73
8. But keep in remembrance the name of thy Lord and devote thyself to Him wholeheartedly.

Surah 74
31. And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What doth Allah intend by this ?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a reminder to mankind.

55. Let any who will, keep it in remembrance!
56. But none will keep it in remembrance except as Allah wills: He is the Lord of Righteousness, and the Lord of Forgiveness.

Surah 80
11. By no means (should it be so)! For it is indeed a Message of remembrance:
12. Therefore let whose will, keep it in remembrance.
13. (It is) in Books held (greatly) in honor,
14. Exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy,
15. (Written) by the hands of scribes -
16. Honorable and Pious and Just.


  1. Beautiful Qur'anic verses.

  2. In case you missed it-a reminder is not a prophecy. This concordance proves that Muhammad was not a prophet


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