This is in BIG PRINT.
This book, analyzing Surah 3, is Part Two of the series "Muhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet". An invaluable resource tool for Muslim outreach.
Surah3(7) He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical. Then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity, they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation.And none knows its interpretation except Allah,and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord. And none do mind except those having understanding. (Maulvi Muhammad Ali)

These alleged allegorical verses are neither defined nor described in Surah 3 nor anywhere else in the Quran. Not one quranic verse is identified clearly and definitely as allegorical. They remain allegations. Is it not foolishness on the part of Allah to reveal an allegorical verse to mankind that only it can know the location of or understand?

The immutable surah verses, including Surah 3(1)-(6) that declare the Quran-
  1. from God,
  2. composed by God,
  3. confirming the previous scripture,
  4. an explanation of the scripture,
  5. without doubts,
  6. from the lord of all creatures,
  7. a revelation,
  8. a light,
  9. directing into the right way,
  10. the way of God
  11. glorious
  12. and written in a table kept in Heaven
  13. sent down by the living, subsisting God,
  14. confirming that which was revealed before it (law, gospel, distinction between good and evil)-
  15. does not acquiesce with Surah 3(7) which declares that there are in Al-quran:some verses clear to be understood are the foundation,
  16. others are parabolical,
  17. perverse hearts, out of love of schism and a desire of interpretation, will follow the parabolical,
  18. 😕yet only God knows the interpretation.  😕


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