MUhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet Book One Surah 1&2



This is a textbook face value exegesis of the first 2 Surahs of Al-quran. It seeks to initiate a mature reconsideration of Al-quran by those who hold it to be the final revelation of Allah. To promote that clear objective, Al-quran is analyzed without regard to time sequence or geographical location of Allah’s revelation to Muhammad via Gabriel. The Quran claims that there is no doubt about it. It insists that it confirms the previously given biblical scriptures. And is supposed to be an exposition of them. Therefore the Quran declares itself to be a continuation of the biblical scriptures. This bold statement shall be tested here. Surah14:4 mentions that Allah sent to every people a message in their own language .

Nor is familiarity of the Arabic language necessary. For surely Allah has also brought about the English translation, for Al-quran says in: Surah 14 (4) ‘We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for God causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise’.

Now consider diligently the verses quoted below:
Surah 30(21) And of his signs are also the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variety of your languages, and of your complexions: verily herein are signs unto men of understanding. Surah 41(41) Verily they who believe not in the admonition of the Quran, after it hath come unto them, shall one day be discovered. It is certainly a book of infinite value: (42) vanity shall not approach it, either from before it, or from behind it: it is a revelation from a wise God, whose praise is justly to be celebrated. Surah 12(1) A. L. R. (2) These are the signs of the perspicuous book, which we have sent down in the Arabic tongue, that, peradventure, ye might understand. (3) We relate unto thee a most excellent history, by revealing unto thee this Quran, whereas thou wast before one of the negligent.
Surah 33(40) Muhammad is not the father of any man among you; but the Apostle of God and the seal of the prophets: and God knoweth all things.
And a major noticeable curiosity is revealed!

Every apostle, sent before Muhammad, spoke the language of his hearers. Muhammad spoke in the Arabic language to the Arabs and was the last of the prophets. Therefore it follows that no other prophet will be sent to any other race; and that any people whose language came up after Muhammad is exempt from Islamic evangelism. One such language is English. Thus any person whose mother tongue is English, regardless of birthplace, is free from Islamic propaganda. Should Al-quran be translated into the English language? Allah’s revelation requires its followers to answer ‘No’. Another is Gurmukhi in which the sacred book of the Sikhs are written. Sikhism, the 5th largest major religion. About 30 million followers are exempt. In fact, anyone whose mother tongue is not Arabic is exempt.

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