
John- Watch Scripture Being Read


Story Of Mary

Story Of Mary: Another Tall Tale Notice verse 28, which says "O sister of Aaron". If Mary was the sister of Aaron, then she would be about a 1500 year old virgin when she got pregnant with Jesus. The Quran records the virgin state of Mary, but refuses to admit that Jesus was begotten S19(35). It can not understand that "begotten" has nothing to do with sexaul activity. Surah 19 16 And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East, 17 And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. 18 She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God- fearing. 19 He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son. 20 She said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste? 21 He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me. And (it will be) that

Luke -Watch Scripture Being Read


Jesus Is The Truth

Al-quran Declares That Jesus Is The Truth Surah 10 35. Say: "Of your 'partners' is there any that can give any guidance towards Truth?" Say: "It is Allah Who gives guidance towards Truth, is then He Who gives guidance to Truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you? How judge ye?" 36. But most of them follow nothing but conjecture: truly conjecture can be of no avail against Truth. Verily Allah is well aware of all that they do. 37. This QurĂ¡n is not such as can be produced by other than Allah. on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the Worlds . And further the Quran states Surah 10 94. If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord :

Mark-Watch Scripture Being Read


Chapter 7. Companions Of The Gardens. Book 2 On Surah 3

Question- why do I use the biblical scriptures to answer instead of my own judgments? Answer-  For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12.  Romans 10:17 So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  1Corinthians 1:18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Chapter 7 Companions Of The Gardens. Book 2 on Surah 3 Surah 3 1. (15) Say, Shall I declare unto you better things than this? For those who are devout are prepared with their Lord gardens through which rivers flow; therein shall they continue for ever: and they shall enjoy wives free from impurity, and the favour of God; for God regardeth his servants, 2. (136) their reward shall be pardon from their Lord, and gardens wherein rivers flow; they shall r

Death And Judgment (CONCORDANT PUBLISHING CONCERN) “What Is The Soul?” “What Is Death?” “The Soul and the Unseen” “The Gehenna of Fire” “The Judgment of the Nations” “Eonian Fire and Judging” “The Lake of Fire” “A Resurrection of Judging” “Judgment and Death” “The Revelation of God’s Just Judgment” “The Repudiation of Grace” “Challenges to God’s Deity” “Crucial Questions About Resurrection”

Matthew-Watch Scripture Being Read


Companions Of The Cave #2 : A Tall Tale

Image   Seven sleepers THE CHAPTER OF THE CAVE. (XVIII. Mecca.) IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Praise belongs to God, who sent down to His servant the Book. and put no crookedness therein,--straight , to give warning of keen violence from Him; and to give the glad tidings to the believers, who do what is right, that for them is a goodly reward wherein they shall abide for ever and for aye; and to give warning to those who say, 'God hath taken to Himself a son.' They have no knowledge thereof, nor their fathers; a serious word it is that comes forth from their mouths! verily, they only speak a lie! [5] Haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death for sorrow after them, if they believe not in this new revelation. Verily, we have made what is on the earth an ornament thereof, to try them, which of them is best in works; but, verily, we are going to make what is thereon bare soil. Hast thou reckoned that the Fellows of the Cave and Er-raqĂ®m were a wo

Quranic Preaching Via Threats

Quranic Preaching Via Threats al-Baqarah: The Cow 164 -167 Surah 2 164 Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sendeth down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for people who have sense. 165 Yet of mankind are some who take unto themselves (objects of worship which they set as) rivals to Allah, loving them with a love like (that which is the due) of Allah (only) - those who believe are stauncher in their love for Allah - Oh, that those who do evil had but known, (on the day) when they behold the doom, that power belongeth wholly to Allah, and that Allah is severe in punishment! 166 (On the day) when those who were followed disown those who followed (them),


                                                                           The claim that the Quran is infallible shall be tested here 17 Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create? Surah 10 (3) Verily your Lord is God, who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days; and then ascended his throne, to take on himself the government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission. This is God, your Lord; therefore serve him. Will ye not consider? (38) This QurĂ¡n could not have been composed by any except God; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it , and an explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from the Lord of all creatures. (39) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it; and call whom you may to your assistance, besides God, if ye speak truth. Surah 7 (55) Verily, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in


                                                                       Pagan Allah's Zodiacal Signs This is plagiarism at its best ever laugh! Muhammad who over and over insists on just one absolute Creator, and does so with Allah's complete backing-well, here Allah takes credit for creating astrology-the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs. And Allah guards all these from all obstinate rebellious evil spirits. Should any such spirit get close enough, it's pursued by a flaming fire. No less of course! O by the way , this so-called "flaming fire", is a shooting star . Utter idiocracy! Created of plastic clay! Definitely proof within the Quran that the Quranic Allah is not in control. Therefore not Allah at all. Surah 15 (16) We have placed the twelve signs in the heaven, and have set them out in various figures, for the observation of spectators: (17) and we guard them


Image                            Introduction Surah 2 (255)God! there is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting: neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven, and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to come unto them, and they shall not comprehend anything of his knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. He is the high, the mighty. Surah 14 (4) We have sent no apostle but with the language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for God causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth; and he is the mighty, the wise. Analysis According to the above verses, Allah reigns absolute over the past and the present, including the future. Therefore a study mindful of the chronological order of events is