
True Nature Of Islam

Islam's Double God

Dwellers in Al-Hijr  Sura 15 80 And the dwellers in Al-Hijr denied (Our) messengers. 81 And We gave them Our revelations, but they were averse to them. 82 And they used to hew out dwellings from the hills, (wherein they dwelt) secure. 83 But the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the morning hour, 84 And that which they were wont to count as gain availed them not. Verse 85 is where the truth is exposed.Several translations are quoted to show consistency. Double God forgiveness in six translations S15 (85) We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is contained between them, otherwise than in justice: and the hour of judgement shall surely come. Wherefore, O Muhammad, forgive thy people with a gracious forgiveness. (Geroge Sale) S15(85) We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save with truth, and lo! The Hour is surely coming. So forgive, (O Muhammad), with a gracious forgiveness. (Pickth

The Great Islamic Commission

Image Have you ever wondered: why do Muslims immigrate to a non-muslim country? What is the real purpose of Muslim immigration? Answer is that they are obeying a strict quranic command which if not obeyed will land them in Hell. A chapter of the book: The Great Islamic Commission. Performed covertly.  Surah 4 97 Lo! As for those whom the angels take (in death) while they wrong themselves, (the angels) will ask: In what were ye engaged?They will say: We were oppressed in the land.(The angels) will say: Was not Allah's earth spacious that ye could have migrated therein? As for such, their habitation will be hell, an evil journey's end; Oppression, as an ongoing claim, is a pretence. At Medina and thereafter, there was none. Muhammad ruled. S4(97)-(103) is equal to the command to pilgrimage to Mecca for worship at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime. Of course this equality to hajj may be denied by Muslims, to hide the intent to covertly spread Islam, but the fact

Mecca 1979:

Mecca 1979: The mosque siege that changed the course of Saudi history It's four decades since a charismatic preacher and his followers staged an armed takeover of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the holiest place in Islam became a killing field. The resulting siege, writes the BBC's Eli Melki, shook the Muslim world to its foundations and changed the course of Saudi history. In the early hours of 20 November 1979, some 50,000 faithful from all over the world gathered for dawn prayers in the huge courtyard surrounding the sacred Kaaba in Mecca, Islam's holiest place. Among them mingled 200 men led by a charismatic 40-year-old preacher called Juhayman al-Utaybi. As, the imam finished leading prayers, Juhayman and his followers pushed him aside and seized the microphone. They had placed closed coffins in the centre of the yard, a traditional act of seeking blessings for the recently deceased. But when the coffins were opened, they revealed handguns and rifles, which were quickly

Land Of Israel Belongs To The Jews Admitted So In Al-Quran

Land Of Israel There is not one verse in the Quran (Israel is mentioed 43 times in Al-Quran; which is evidence that Israel is not a recent nation) that states that the land of Israel belongs to anyone else but to the Jews. Israel is the land of the Jews, given to them by YAHWEH. Muslims have nil quranic authority to argue otherwise. This subject-matter is just about the only thing that Muhammad got right. Surah 5 20 And when Moses said to his "people: O my people ! remember the favour of Allah upon you when He raised prophets among you and made you kings and gave you what He had not given to any other among the nations.  Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali    There is no anachronism here. The Israelites are here told that two favours had been bestowed upon them: (1) prophets were raised among them; (2) they were made kings. The reference need not be to the earlier history of the Israelites, but to their history as dating from the time of Moses, for the advent of Moses had brought a

The Quran On Neighbours

The Quran On Neighbours The quran contradicts itself. Proving the fake prophethood of Muhammad. Do Good  Surah 107 is on Neighbours:  In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1. Seest thou one who denies the Judgment (to come)? 2. Then such is the (one) who repulses the orphan, 3. And encourages not the feeding of the indigent. 4. So woe to the worshippers 5. Who are neglectful of their prayers, 6. Those who (want but) to be seen, 7. But refuse (to supply) (even) neighborly needs Do Good Surah 4 (36)  Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good - to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are of kin, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious. Contradiction Surah 3 3(60).  Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir

Personal To Muhammad

Personal To Muhammad Surat 111 , consisting of just 5 verses, is personal to Muhammad. Here he curses his own family. Muhammad's uncle and aunt was against his preaching.  Surat 5 makes a false statement when it says that the Quran is a confirmation of the biblical scriptures. The Quran is contradictory to the Jewish scriptures. Jesus's home town was not in agreement with what He taught, but He never cursed them. Paul was ever in sufferings and trials, but he never cursed any at all. The contradiction does not end there. It's evident within the Quran itself. Muhammad identifies himself as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings. Yet he cursed his own family with fire. Cursing His Uncle And Aunt THE CHAPTER OF ABU LAHEB  (CXI. Mecca.) IN the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Abu Laheb's two hands shall perish, and he shall perish!  His wealth shall not avail him, nor what he has earned! He shall broil in a fire that flames, and his wife carrying faggots!--[5] on


Zakat Zakat is found in the early Medinan suras and described as obligatory for Muslims. Poor-due, almsgiving, charity.                    S7(156) And ordain for us in this world that which is good, and in the Hereafter (that which is good), Lo! we have turned unto Thee. He said: I smite with My punishment whom I will, and My mercy embraceth all things, therefore I shall ordain it for those who ward off (evil) and pay the poor-due, and those who believe Our revelations; Notice the conditions of the Allah's mercy:  a/  for those who ward off (evil) [ isn't warding off evil Allah's job? ] b/  pay the poor-due c/  believe Our revelations d/  bonus material:"Our". Allah is not singular! S9(60) The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed

Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctri...

Nov 22, 2023  The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday. Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks. He wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas. Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult. .

Surat 33-The Fake Allah's Sexual Inventory.

Muhammad is the islamic Allah. This surat 33 carries the same proof, of Muhammad not being a prophet, as the surat 24. Surat 24 was a face saving "revelation" after the fact, which provided evidence that the Quran is not the word of the true God. So is surat 33. This particular revelation permits the madman to get his adopted son to divorce his wife in order that he, Muhammad, could marry her. Marriage is a licence to lust. In an attempt to conceal extreme lust, Muhammad abused marriage. And it worked! This madness proves that Muhammad was his own little god. The entire Surat 33 provides for his sexual pleasure. Notice that Allah prays for Muhammad. And the question is: To who is this islamic Allah praying to?  For your convenience, the whole sura is quoted below. Notice his manner of speaking, how he brings about the subject matter, his twisted logic so well spoken, his intermingling of battle and religious and sexual themes.  A master of deception is he! As his own contemp

1 Corinthians-Watch Scripture Being Read

Image Watch Scripture Being Read

Surat 27 Tall Tales: Ants, Jinn, Hoopoe

Surat 27 Tales Incredibly Tall: Ants, Jinn, Hoopoe. Surat 27 is so incredibly tall that it just proves yet once again that Muhammad had mental issues. Previously I let known of the very tall quranic tale of angels bowing down to Adam. In surat 27, titled The Ant, Solomon speaks to birds and ants. This would make for a very nice cartoon show. Except that it's considered islamic scripture and that islamic scholars literally study this. Unbelievable insanity! Surat 27 1 Ta. Sin. These are revelations of the Qur'an and a Scripture that maketh plain; 2 A guidance and good tidings for believers It begins with Moses's story that all were famaliar with.  Surat 27 7 (Remember) when Moses said unto his household: Lo! I spy afar off a fire; I will bring you tidings thence, or bring to you a borrowed flame that ye may warm yourselves. 8 But when he reached it, he was called, saying: Blessed is Whosoever is in the fire and Whosoever is round about it! And Glorified be Allah, the