Quranic Paradise: Sex and Wine

Quranic Paradise: Sex and Wine
S37(35) informs us that Muhammad's contemporaries considered him distracted-mad in other versions of the Quran. A distracted/mad poet. This also suggests his manner of speaking.
S37(37) states that Muhammad has come with the very truth and that he confirms the message of the apostles before him. The verses that follow from 39-47 including the verses from S38(49)-(53) speak of quranic paradise. I honestly can not see any difference between this particular paradise and any down on Earth whorehouse. Nor can I perceive any biblical apostles approving this whorehouse paradise. Jesus in Matthew 22:29-30 disagrees with this quranic paradise. Right here the lie is seen and the identity of the real person responsible for this nonsense. It’s the madman. He used the name of Allah for his personal purposes. Islam is futile deceit, not a religion.

Surah 37
(35) and say, Shall we abandon our gods for a distracted poet? (36) Nay; he cometh with the truth, and beareth witness to the former apostles. (37) Ye shall surely taste the painful torment of hell; (38) and ye shall not be rewarded, but according to your works. (39) But as for the sincere servants of God, (40) they shall have a certain provision in Paradise, namely, delicious fruits; (41) and they shall be honoured: (42) they shall be placed in gardens of pleasure, (43) leaning on couches, opposite to one another: (44) a cup shall be carried round unto them, (45) filled from a limpid fountain, for the delight of those who drink: (46) it shall not oppress the understanding, neither shall they be inebriated therewith. (47) (47) And near them shall lie the virgins of Paradise, refraining their looks from beholding any besides their spouses, having large black eyes, and resembling the eggs of an ostrich covered with feathers from the dust.

Surah 38
(49) This is an admonition. Verily the pious shall have an excellent place to return unto, (50) namely, gardens of perpetual abode, the gates whereof shall stand open unto them. (51) As they lie down therein, they shall there ask for many sorts of fruits, and for drink; (52) (52) and near them shall sit the virgins of Paradise, refraining their looks from beholding any besides their spouses, and of equal age with them. (53) This is what ye are promised at the day of account.

Surah 43
(67) The intimate friends on that day shall be enemies unto one another; except the pious.
(68) O my servants, there shall no fear come on you this day, neither shall ye be grieved. (69) who have believed in our signs and have been Múslims; (70) enter ye into Paradise, ye and your wives, with great joy. (71) Dishes of gold shall be carried round unto them, and cups without handles: and therein shall they enjoy whatever their souls shall desire, and whatever their eyes shall delight in: and ye shall remain therein for ever. (72) This is Paradise, which ye have inherited as a reward for that which ye have wrought. (73) Therein shall ye have fruits in abundance, of which ye shall eat. (74) But the wicked shall remain for ever in the torment of hell:

Surah 47
(4) When ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye have made a great slaughter among them; and bind them in bonds; (5) and either give them a free dismission afterwards, or exact a ransom; until the war shall have laid down its arms. This shall ye do. Verily if God pleased he could take vengeance on them without your assistance; but he commandeth you to fight his battles, that he may prove the one of you by the other. And as to those who fight in defence of God’s true religion, God will not suffer their works to perish; (6) he will guide them, and will dispose their heart aright; (7) and he will lead them into Paradise, of which he hath told them. (8) O true believers, if ye assist God by fighting for his religion, he will assist you against your enemies; and will set your feet fast: (9) but as for the infidels, let them perish; and their works shall God render vain. (10) This shall befall them, because they have rejected with abhorrence that which God hath revealed: wherefore their works shall become of no avail. (11) Do they not travel through the earth, and see what hath been the end of those who were before them? God utterly destroyed them: and the like catastrophe awaiteth the unbelievers. (12) This shall come to pass, for that God is the patron of the true believers, and for that the infidels have no protector.

(13) Verily God will introduce those who believe and do good works into gardens beneath which rivers flow: but the unbelievers indulge themselves in pleasures, and eat as beasts eat; and their abode shall be hell-fire. (14) How many cities were more mighty in strength than thy city which hath expelled thee; yet have we destroyed them, and there was none to help them? (15) Shall he therefore, who followeth the plain declaration of his Lord be as he whose evil works have been dressed up for him by the devil, and who follow their own lusts? (16) The description of Paradise, which is promised unto the pious: therein are rivers of incorruptible water; and rivers of milk, the taste whereof changeth not; and rivers of wine, pleasant unto those who drink; (17) and rivers of clarified honey: and therein shall they have plenty of all kinds of fruits; and pardon from their Lord. Shall the man for whom these things are prepared be as he who must dwell for ever in hell-fire; and will have the boiling water given him to drink which shall burst their bowels?

Surah 56
(1) When the inevitable day of judgment shall suddenly come, (2) no soul shall charge the prediction of its coming with falsehood: (3) it will abase some and exalt others. (4) When the earth shall be shaken with a violent shock, (5) and the mountains shall be dashed in pieces, (6) and shall become as dust scattered abroad; (7) and ye shall be separated into three distinct classes: (8) the companions of the right hand (how happy shall the companions of the right hand be!), (9) and the companions of the left hand (now miserable shall the companions of the left hand be!); (10) and those who have preceded others in the faith shall precede them to Paradise. (11) These are they who shall approach near unto God: (12) they shall dwell in gardens of delight. (13) (There shall be many of the former religions, (14) and few of the last.) (15) Reposing on couches adorned with gold and precious stones, (16) sitting opposite to one another thereon. (17) Youths which shall continue in their bloom for ever, shall go round about to attend them, (18) with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine: (19) their heads shall not ache by drinking the same, neither shall their reason be disturbed: (20) and with fruits of the sorts which they shall choose, (21) and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. (22) And there shall accompany them fair damsels having large black eyes; resembling pearls hidden in their shells: (23) as a reward for that which they shall have wrought. (24) They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, or any charge of sin; (25) but only the salutation, Peace! Peace! (26) And the companions of the right hand (how happy shall the companions of the right hand be!) (27) shall have their abode among lote-trees free from thorns, (28) and trees of mauz loaded regularly with their produce from top to bottom; (29) under an extended shade, (30) near a flowing water, (31) and amidst fruits in abundance, (32) which shall not fail, nor shall be forbidden to be gathered: (33) and they shall repose themselves on lofty beds. (34) Verily we have created the damsels of Paradise by a peculiar creation: (35) and we have made them virgins, (36) beloved by their husbands, of equal age with them; (37) for the delight of the companions of the right hand. (38) There shall be many of the former religions, (39) and many of the latter.

(40) And the companions of the left hand (how miserable shall the companions of the left hand be!) (41) shall dwell amidst burning winds and scalding water, (42) under the shade of a black smoke, (43) neither cool nor agreeable. (44) For they enjoyed the pleasures of life before this, while on earth; (45) and obstinately persisted in a heinous wickedness: (46) and they said, (47) After we shall have died, and become dust and bones, shall we surely be raised to life? (48) Shall our forefathers also be raised with us? (49) Say, Verily both the first and the last (50) shall surely be gathered together to judgment, at the prefixed time of a known day. (51) Then ye, O men, who have erred, and denied the resurrection as a falsehood, (52) shall surely eat of the fruit of the tree of al Zaqqúm, (53) and shall fill your bellies therewith: (54) and ye shall drink thereon boiling water; (55) and ye shall drink as a thirsty camel drinketh. (56) This shall be their entertainment on the day of judgment. (57) We have created you: will ye not therefore believe that we can raise you from the dead? (58) What think ye? The seed which ye emit, (59) do ye create the same, or are we the creators thereof? (60) We have decreed death unto you all: and we shall not be prevented. (61) We are able to substitute others like unto you in your stead, and to produce you again in the condition or form which ye know not. (62) Ye know the original production by creation; will ye not therefore consider that we are able to produce you by resuscitation? (63) What think ye? The grain which ye sow, (64) do ye cause the same to spring forth, or do we cause it to spring forth? (65) If we pleased, verily we could render the same dry and fruitless, so that ye would not cease to wonder, (66) saying, Verily we have contracted debts for seed and labour, but we are not permitted to reap the fruit thereof. (67) What think ye? The water which ye drink, (68) do ye send down the same from the clouds, or are we the senders thereof? (69) If we pleased, we could render the same brackish: will ye not therefore give thanks? (70) What think ye. The fire which ye strike, (71) do ye produce the tree whence ye obtain the same, or are we the producers thereof? (72) We have ordained the same for an admonition, and an advantage to those who travel through the deserts. (73) Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great God.

(74) Moreover I swear by the setting of the stars, (75) (and it is surely a great oath, if ye knew it,) (76) that this is the excellent Qurán, (77) the original whereof is written in the preserved book: (78) none shall touch the same except those who are clean. (79) It is a revelation from the Lord of all creatures. (80) Will ye, therefore, despise this new revelation? (81) And do ye make this return for your food which ye receive from God, that ye deny yourselves to be obliged to him for the same? (82) When the soul of a dying person cometh up to his throat, (83) and ye at the same time are looking on, (84) (and we are nigher unto him than ye, but ye see not his true condition,) (85) would ye not, if ye are not to be rewarded for your action hereafter, (86) cause the same to return into the body, if ye speak the truth? (87) And whether he be of those who shall approach near unto God, (88) his reward shall be rest, and mercy, and a garden of delights: (89) or whether he be of the companions of the right hand, (90) he shall be saluted with the salutation, Peace be unto thee! by the companions of the right hand, his brethren: (91) or whether he be of those who have rejected the true faith (92) and gone astray, (93) his entertainment shall consist of boiling water (94) and the burning of hell-fire. (95) Verily this is a certain truth. (96) Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great God.

Surah 59
(20) The inhabitants of hell-fire and the inhabitants of Paradise shall not be held equal. The inhabitants of Paradise are they who shall enjoy felicity. (21) If we had sent down this Qurán on a mountain, thou wouldest certainly have seen the same humble itself, and cleave in sunder for fear of God. These similitudes do we propose unto men, that they may consider. (22) He is God, besides whom there is no God; who knoweth that which is future and that which is present: he is the most Merciful; (23) he is God, besides whom there is no God: the King the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Faithful, the Guardian, the Powerful, the Strong, the Most High. Far be God exalted above the idols which they associate with him! (24) He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Former. He hath most excellent names. Whatever is in heaven and in earth praiseth him: and he is the Mighty, the Wise.

Surah 69
(18) On that day ye shall be presented before the judgment-seat of God; and none of your secret actions shall be hidden. (19) And he who shall have his book delivered into his right hand shall say, Take ye, read this my book; (20) verily I thought that I should be brought to this my account: (21) he shall lead a pleasing life (22) in a lofty garden, (23) the fruits whereof shall be near to gather. (24) Eat and drink with easy digestion; because of the good works which ye sent before you, in the days which are past.

Surah 76
(4) Verily we have prepared for the unbelievers chains, and collars, and burning fire. (5) But the just shall drink of a cup of wine mixed with the water of Káfúr, (6) a fountain whereof the servants of God shall drink; they shall convey the same by channels whithersoever they please. (7) These fulfil their vow, and dread the day, the evil whereof will disperse itself far abroad; (8) and give food unto the poor, and the orphan, and the bondman, for his sake, (9) saying, We feed you for God’s sake only: we desire no recompense from you, nor any thanks: (10) verily we dread from our Lord a dismal and calamitous day. (11) Wherefore God shall deliver them from the evil of that day, and shall cast on them brightness of countenance and joy; (12) and shall reward them for their patient persevering with a garden and silk garments: (13) therein shall they repose themselves on couches; they shall see therein neither sun nor moon; (14) and the shades thereof shall be near, spreading above them; and the fruits thereof shall hang low, so as to be easily gathered. (15) And their attendants shall go round about unto them with vessels of silver and goblets: the bottles shall be bottles of silver shining like glass; (16) they shall determine the measure thereof by their wish. (17) And therein shall they be given to drink of a cup of wine mixed with the water of Zanjabíl, (18) a fountain in Paradise named Silsabíl: (19) and youths, which shall continue for ever in their bloom, shall go round to attend them; when thou seest them, thou shalt think them to be scattered pearls: (20) and when thou lookest, there shalt thou behold delights and a great kingdom. (21) Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and of brocades, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver: and their Lord shall give them to drink of a most pure liquor; (22) and shall say unto them, Verily this is your reward, and your endeavour is gratefully accepted.

Surah 77
(40) Woe be, on that day, unto those who accused the prophets of imposture! (41) But the pious shall dwell amidst shades and fountains, (42) and fruits of the kinds which they shall desire: (43) and it shall be said unto them, Eat and drink with easy digestion, in recompense for that which ye have wrought; (44) for thus do we reward the righteous doers.

Surah 78
(31) But for the pious is prepared a place of bliss: (32) gardens planted with trees, and vineyards, (33) and damsels with swelling breasts, of equal age with themselves, (34) and a full cup. (35) They shall hear no vain discourse there, nor any falsehood. (36) This shall be their recompense from thy Lord; a gift fully sufficient: (37) from the Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatever is between them; the Merciful. The inhabitants of heaven or of earth shall not dare to demand audience of him:

Surah 83
(4) Do not these think they shall be raised again (5) at the great day, (6) the day whereon mankind shall stand before the Lord of all creatures? (7) By no means. Verily the register of the actions of the wicked is surely in Sajjín. (8) And what shall make thee to understand what Sajjín is? (9) It is a book distinctly written. (10) Woe be on that day unto those who accused the prophets of imposture, (11) who denied the day of judgment as a falsehood! (12) And none denieth the same as a falsehood except every unjust and flagitious person, (13) who, when our signs are rehearsed unto him, saith, They are fables of the ancients. (14) By no means; but rather their lusts have cast a veil over their hearts. (15) By no means. Verily they shall be shut out from their Lord on that day; (16) and they shall be sent into hell to be burned: (17) then shall it be said unto them by the infernal guards, This is what ye denied as a falsehood. (18) Assuredly. But the register of the actions of the righteous is Illíyún: (19) and what shall cause thee to understand what Illíyún is? (20) It is a book distinctly written: (21) those who approach near unto God are witnesses thereto. (22) Verily the righteous shall dwell among delights: (23) seated on couches, they shall behold objects of pleasure; (24) thou shalt see in their faces the brightness of joy. (25) They shall be given to drink of pure wine, sealed; (26) the seal whereof shall be musk: and to this let those aspire who aspire to happiness: (27) and the water mixed therewith shall be of Tasním, (28) a fountain whereof those shall drink who approach near unto the divine presence.

The Allah so praised in these surahs is a pimp of a whorehouse.
Matthew 22
23 On that day Sadducees (those who say that there is no resurrection) came to him. They asked him, 24 saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.’ 25 Now there were with us seven brothers. The first married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. 26 In the same way, the second also, and the third, to the seventh. 27 After them all, the woman died. 28 In the resurrection therefore, whose wife will she be of the seven? For they all had her.”
29 But Jesus answered them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like God’s angels in heaven.


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