Moved To Evil : A Quranic Explanation

Moved To Evil : A Quranic Explanation 

Why And How Is Mankind Moved To Think Evil And Then To Do Evil? 
Surah 2
(100) And when there came unto them an apostle from God, confirming that scripture which was with them, some of those to whom the scriptures were given cast the book of God behind their backs, as if they knew it not: (101) and they followed the device which the devils devised against the kingdom of Solomon, and Solomon was not an unbeliever; but the devils believed not; they taught men sorcery, and that which was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Hárút and Márút; yet those two taught no man until they had said, Verily we are a temptation, therefore be not an unbeliever. 

So men learned from those two a charm by which they might cause division between a man and his wife; but they hurt none thereby, unless by God’s permission, and they learned that which would hurt them, and not profit them; and yet they knew that he who bought that art should have no part in the life to come, and woful is the price for which they have sold their souls, if they knew it. (102) But if they had believed, and feared God, verily the reward they would have had from God would have been better, if they had known it. 
Surah 2 
(165) Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and  the vicissitude of night and day, and in the ship which saileth in the sea, laden with what is profitable for mankind, and in the rain water which God sendeth from heaven, quickening thereby the dead earth, and replenishing the same with all sorts of cattle, and in the change of winds, and the clouds that are compelled to do service between heaven and earth, are signs to people of understanding: (166) yet some men take idols beside God, and love them as with the love due to God; but the true believers are more fervent in love towards God. 

Oh, that they who act unjustly did perceive, when they behold their punishment, that all power belongeth unto God, and that he is severe in punishing. (167) When those who have been followed shall separate themselves from their followers, and shall see the punishment, and the cords of relation between them shall be cut in sunder; (168) the followers shall say, If we could return to life, we would separate ourselves from them, as they have now separated themselves from us. So God will show them their works; they shall sigh grievously, and shall not come forth from the fire of hell. 

S2(165) sets the context and the rest of the verses speaks of those who worshipped other gods besides the true God. The other gods free themselves of their worshippers S2(167). Those who did worship these other gods are left with regret as they face the true God’s punishment S2(168).
But earlier in the same surah we are told that a party of the people of the book threw away the book of God S2(100). These people followed the evil ones. And these evil ones told those people that they were sent to test them before actually doing so. But none of this evil would have taken place except by the true God’s permission S2(101).
Then all the fault is laid on those who were moved to evil. Allah declares itself free of all responsibility even though it was the mastermind behind it all. 

What logic is there in this belief?


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