The claim that the Quran is infallible shall be tested here
17 Allah Was Confused: How Many Days Did It Take To Create?

Surah 10(3) Verily your Lord is God, who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days; and then ascended his throne, to take on himself the government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission. This is God, your Lord; therefore serve him. Will ye not consider?
(38) This Qurán could not have been composed by any except God; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explanation of the scripture; there is no doubt thereof; sent down from the Lord of all creatures. (39) Will they say, Muhammad hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it; and call whom you may to your assistance, besides God, if ye speak truth.

Surah 7(55) Verily, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days; and then ascended his throne: he causeth the night to cover the day; it succeedeth the same swiftly: he also created the sun, and the moon, and the stars, which are absolutely subject unto his command. Is not the whole creation and the empire thereof his? Blessed be God, the Lord of all creatures!

Surah 41(8) Say, Do ye indeed disbelieve in him who created the earth in two days; and do ye set up equals unto him? He is the Lord of all creatures. (9) And he placed in the earth mountains firmly rooted, rising above the same: and he blessed it; and provided therein the food of the creatures designed to be the inhabitants thereof, in four days; equally, for those who ask. (10) Then he set his mind to the creation of heaven, and it was smoke; and he said unto it, and to the earth, Come, either obediently, or against your will. They answered, We come, obedient to thy command. (11) And he formed them into seven heavens, in two days; and revealed unto every heaven its office. And we adorned the lower heaven with lights, and placed therein a guard of angels. This is the disposition of the mighty, the wise God.

S10(3), S7(55) Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days. But S41(8) Created the earth in two days. Fine-tuned it in four days. Sky, earth and seven firmaments in two days. Therefore two + four + two = eight days. In Surah 7(55) , all was created in six days but in Surah 41(8-11), it breaks down to eight days. The boast was:

"This Qurán could not have been composed by any except God." An obvious question is: Is this creator mentioned in the Quran God at all? Is Allah at all what the Quran makes it out to be? Muslim scholars might just explain it away theologically. Nothing is impossible in that field! But do tell, what about day number seven, if, as per S10(38), it is a confirmation of that which was before it? Or is it day #9?


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