
Showing posts with the label allah

Islamic Parable Or Sovereign Stupidity

Islamic Parable Or Sovereign Stupidity The Quran makes great use of what it calls parables or similitudes. These are supposed to teach morals, ethics, virtuousness and righteousness. But the norm is pointless rubbish. Surah 7 (176) And relate unto the Jews the history of him unto whom we brought our signs, and he departed from them; wherefore Satan followed him, and he became one of those who were seduced.   (177) And if we had pleased, we had surely raised him thereby unto wisdom ; but he inclined unto the earth, and followed his own desire. Wherefore his likeness as the likeness of a dog, which, if thou drive him away, putteth forth his tongue, or, if thou let him alone, putteth forth his tongue also. This is the likeness of the people who accuse our signs of falsehood. Rehearse therefore this history unto them, that they may consider. (178) Evil is the similitude of those people who accuse our signs of falsehood, and injure their own souls.   (179) Whomsoever God shall direct,

Allah’s Sovereign Stupidity

 Allah’s Sovereign Stupidity  The Quran claims that Allah has sovereignty over all. But does it? Surah 3 (26) Say, O God, who possessest the kingdom; thou givest the kingdom unto whom thou wilt, and thou takest away the kingdom from whom thou wilt: thou exaltest whom thou wilt, and thou humblest whom thou wilt: in thy hand is good, for thou art almighty. (27) Thou makest the night to succeed the day: thou bringest forth the living out of the dead, and thou bringest forth the dead out of the living; and providest food for whom thou wilt without measure. Surah 3 (72) and believe him only who followeth your religion. Say, Verily the true direction is the direction of God, that there may be given unto some other a revelation like unto what hath been given unto you. Will they dispute with you before your Lord? Say, Surely excellence is in the hand of God, he giveth it unto whom he pleaseth; God is bounteous and wise: (73) he will confer peculiar mercy on whom he pleaseth; for God is endued

Animals, Birds And Etc Praise Allah

Animals, Birds And Etc Praise Allah All will be gathered in the end to give an account of themselves to Allah. Meaning that all living organisms are responsible for their actions. Therefore all must have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong. That implies that all these animals and birds and whatnot can do otherwise than their nature. An exercise in futility! Absolute madness! Will a virus answer as to its efficiency?   Surah 6  (37) There is no kind of beast on earth, nor fowl which flieth with its wings, but the same is a people like unto you : we have not omitted anything in the book of our decrees: then unto their Lord shall they return. (38) They who accuse our signs of falsehood are deaf and dumb, walking in darkness: God will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and whom he pleaseth he will put in the right way?  Surah 6  (58) With him are the keys of the secret things; none knoweth them besides himself: he knoweth that which is on the dry land and in the sea: there fallet

Loan Unto Allah On Good Usury

Lend Unto Allah On  Good Usury A human lends to Allah? A goodly loan? The purpose of the loan is to fund warfare and to be remitted of sins and to be given a rich reward after death. A wild belief indeed! Surah 2 (244) Fight for the religion of God, and know that God is he who heareth and knoweth. (245) Who is he that will lend unto God on good usury? verily he will double it unto him manifold; for God contracteth and extendeth his hand as he pleaseth, and to him shall ye return. (246) Hast thou not considered the assembly of the children of Israel, after the time of Moses; when they said unto their prophet Samuel, Set a king over us, that we may fight for the religion of God. The prophet answered, If ye are enjoined to go to war, will ye be near refusing to fight? They answered, And what should ail us that we should not fight for the religion of God, seeing we are dispossessed of our habitations

God Of The People Of The Book

Surah 29 and the book of Hebrews Note- I have quoted 4 translations to show consistency. The Quran states that the God of the Jews and the Christians and the Islamic Allah is the the same God. It also says that the Muslims believe the Bible. Both statements are outright lies because the Quran is a complete contradiction to the Bible. Surah 29 46 And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. 47 In like manner We have revealed unto thee the Scripture, and those unto whom We gave the Scripture aforetime will believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein. And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers.  (Pickthall) Dispute not, unless in kindly sort, with the people of the Book; 12 save with su

Ungracious Fear Mongering Allah

Ungracious Fear Mongering Allah  Allah is called most gracious and most merciful in the quran. The following text is positive proof that Allah is just made up. Which god would be gracious and yet recommend such violence?   Fear mongering is underlined and notice that the muslims are also under threat of violence.   That Muhammad is the God-partner of Allah is highlighted in bold and italics.    Jesus said that he who is without sin should take action. The word "Allah " was familiar to Muhammad and to all that he spoke to. There is nil record of any protest that this "Allah " was some new unknown god. There is record of people worshipping many gods. Allah was obviously one of them. Muhammed was charged by those who heard him of being possessed and mad and of forgery. He also had an unsatisfiable lust for sex. These so called revelations were designed to prevent anyone else from having sex with his harem, while he made sure he had them all. Allah was Muhammad'

Wrath Of Allah

Contradictions In A-Quran. Wrath Of Allah There are 114 surahs in the Quran and 113 of them starts off by saying that Allah is most gracious and most merciful. (Read Maulana's commentary here: ) The only exception is surah #9, which begins with 1 (This is a declaration of) immunity by Allah and His Appstle towards those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement. The wrath of Allah prevails, not its grace nor mercy. Proof texts follow: S6(6)   Do they not consider how many a generation We have destroyed before them, whom We had established in the earth as We have not established you, and We sent the clouds pouring rain on them in abundance, and We made the rivers to flow beneath them, then We destroyed them on account of their faults and raised up after them another generation. S7(4)   And how many a town that We destroyed, so Our punishment came to it by night or while they slept at midday. S21(6)  There did not belie

Allah's Pointless True Nature

Allah's Pointless True Nature It's destruction and more destruction and just more destruction. Every township including Muslim townships will be destroyed or punished before the Day of Resurrection S17(60). When the Quran describes Allah as merciful, it's obviously lying. Utter pointlessness of Islam ! Surah 6 (6) Do they not consider how many generations we have destroyed before them? We had established them in the earth in a manner wherein we have not established you; we sent the heaven to rain abundantly upon them, and we gave them rivers which flowed under their feet: yet we destroyed them in their sins, and raised up other generations after them. (130) O company of genii and men, did not messengers from among yourselves come unto you, rehearsing my signs unto you, and forewarning you of the meeting of this your day? They shall answer, We bear witness against ourselves: the present life deceived them: and they shall bear witness against themselves that they were 

Allah's Deception Of It's Own Believers

Allah's Deception Of It's Own Believers The Quran is filled with contradictions and confusion. It accomplishes this by double talk. One never knows what's next on the agenda. With Muhammad it was booty or blood lust or sexual lust. Even the Quran records that he was devil possessed.    Double Talk Surah 16 IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. (1) The sentence of God will surely come to be executed, wherefore do not hasten it. Praise be unto him! and far be that from him which they associate with him! (2) He shall cause the angels to descend with a revelation by his command, unto such of his servants as he pleaseth, saying, Preach that there is no God, except myself; therefore fear me. (37) The idolaters say, If God had pleased, we had not worshipped anything besides him, neither had our fathers: neither had we forbidden anything, without him. So did they who we