Animals, Birds And Etc Praise Allah

Animals, Birds And Etc Praise Allah

All will be gathered in the end to give an account of themselves to Allah. Meaning that all living organisms are responsible for their actions. Therefore all must have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong. That implies that all these animals and birds and whatnot can do otherwise than their nature.
An exercise in futility! Absolute madness! Will a virus answer as to its efficiency?  

Surah 6 
(37) There is no kind of beast on earth, nor fowl which flieth with its wings, but the same is a people like unto you: we have not omitted anything in the book of our decrees: then unto their Lord shall they return. (38) They who accuse our signs of falsehood are deaf and dumb, walking in darkness: God will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and whom he pleaseth he will put in the right way? 
Surah 6 
(58) With him are the keys of the secret things; none knoweth them besides himself: he knoweth that which is on the dry land and in the sea: there falleth no leaf but he knoweth it; neither is there a single grain in the dark parts of the earth, neither a green thing, nor a dry thing, but it is written in the perspicuous book. (59) It is he who causeth you to sleep by night, and knoweth what ye merit by day; he also awaketh you therein, that the prefixed term of your lives may be fulfilled; then unto him shall ye return, and he shall declare unto you that which ye have wrought.

 (60) He is supreme over his servants, and sendeth the guardian angels to watch over you, until, when death overtaketh one of you, our messengers cause him to die: and  they will not neglect our commands. (61) Afterwards shall they return unto God, their true Lord: doth not judgment belong unto him? He is the most quick in taking an account 

Surah 24 
(41) Dost thou not perceive that all creatures both in heaven and earth praise God, and the birds also extending their wings? Every one knoweth his prayer and his praise, and God knoweth that which they do. (42) Unto God belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth, and unto God shall be the return at the last day. (43) Dost thou not see that God gently driveth forward the clouds, and  gathereth them together, and then layeth them on heaps? Thou also seest the rain which falleth from the midst thereof, and God sendeth down from heaven as it were mountains, wherein there is hail; he striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, and turneth the same away from whom he pleaseth: the brightness of his lightning wanteth but little of taking away the sight.

 (44) God shifteth the night and the day: verily herein is an instruction unto those who have sight. And God hath created every animal of water; one of them goeth on his belly, and another of them walketh upon two feet, and another of them walketh upon four feet: God createth that which he pleaseth, for God is almighty. (45) Now have we sent down evident signs, and God directeth whom he pleaseth into the right way. (46) The hypocrites say, We believe in God and on his Apostle, and we obey them, yet a part of them turneth back after this; but these are not really believers. (47) And when they are summoned before God and his Apostle that he may judge between them, behold a part of them retire. 

What kind of madness is this? Notice the 'we', and 'our' and 'God and on his Apostle' and  'them' and  'God and his Apostle'. Allah is not alone at all. Muhammad is the equal partner of Allah. 
But what wrong did the pig do? Answer: nothing. Allah-Muhammad caused it to err. But this same pig will stand before Allah-Muhammad to be judged.


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