Wrath Of Allah

Contradictions In A-Quran.

Wrath Of Allah
There are 114 surahs in the Quran and 113 of them starts off by saying that Allah is most gracious and most merciful. (Read Maulana's commentary here:
The only exception is surah #9, which begins with

The wrath of Allah prevails, not its grace nor mercy. Proof texts follow:
    1. S6(6)  Do they not consider how many a generation We have destroyed before them, whom We had established in the earth as We have not established you, and We sent the clouds pouring rain on them in abundance, and We made the rivers to flow beneath them, then We destroyed them on account of their faults and raised up after them another generation.
    2. S7(4)  And how many a town that We destroyed, so Our punishment came to it by night or while they slept at midday.
    3. S21(6) There did not believe before them any town which We destroyed:will they then believe?
    4. S21(11) 11 And how many a town which was iniquitous did We demolish, and We raised up after it another people !
    5. S21(42)  42 Say: Who guardeth you in the night or in the day from the Beneficent ? Nay, but they turn away from mention of their Lord!
    6. 43 Or have they gods who can shield them from Us ? They cannot help themselves nor can they be defended from Us.
    7. 44  Nay, but We gave these and their fathers ease until life grew long for them. See they not how we aim to the land, reducing it of its outlying parts ? Can they then be the victors ?
    8. 45  Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I warn you only by the Inspiration. But the deaf hear not the call when they are warned.
    9. 46  And if a breath of thy Lord's punishment were to touch them, they assuredly would say: Alas for us! Lo! we were wrong-doers.
    10. S22(44)  44 (And) the dwellers in Midian. And Moses was denied; but I indulged the disbelievers a long while, then I seized them, and how (terrible) was My abhorrence! 45 How many a township have We destroyed while it was sinful, so that it lieth (to this day) in ruins, and (how many) a deserted well and lofty tower! 46 Have they not travelled in the land, and have they hearts wherewith to feel and ears wherewith to hear ? For indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind. 47 And they will bid thee hasten on the Doom, and Allah faileth not His promise, but lo! a Day with Allah is as a thousand years of what ye reckon. 48 And how many a township did I suffer long though it was sinful! Then I grasped it. Unto Me is the return.



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